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LAP Top AudioCard Sugestions

Hi all...
I have a HP Pavilion P4 1.2GHz with 512 RAM..
i'm planning to use this live with my band and i need a Good Audio Card, with Good ASIO Drivers to use with Cubase/Nuendo Live with low latencies, i don't need many outs/ins.. at least 3. 2 tracks for a Stereo mix and the other track is a click track..
What's a sugestion for a LapTop ?


Studio Mag top 5 - poll

Name your favorite mags in order of preference add why if the mood grabs ya!

1) EQ - more bias towards alt rock and 'youth' music
2) Sound On Sound - learn stuff / news
3) Tape Op - Mad layout makes it last a (good) while 'cause it is so damn hard to read!
4) Mix
5) Audio Media (europe edition is all I can get)

I burn through em all!

Would a top notch comp/preamp 'cause clicks...

I've noticed that with vocal recordings (voicovers) done w. a Neumann (any TLM) and say an AMEK preamp and a D3 or dbx (simply put; top of the line preamps and compressors) spittle-sounds or abrupt transients will cause extra click-type sounds or small distortions. This shouldn't happen right ?
Or is this...natural vintage behaviour ?


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