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Help. Sony Forge, Vegas, or Acid?

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Submitted by anonymous on

What is the best to record in my "home studio"? Sony Forge, Vegas, or Acid? I use an Emu 0404 sound card, a Behringer502 xenyx mixer, a Behringer 2 v-amp for bass and guitar, and a Yamaha psr-540 keyboard. I just record like pop punk songs and "hip hop" songs for fun. Right now I am using Vegas. I just want to know what would be best for my purposes.

Vegas Video Users?

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Submitted by anonymous on

This forum seems to be pretty quiet...I'd like to purchase Vegas Video but would like to hear from anyone using it...

I've used Vegas Pro before..loved the ease and speed of it, esp when synching it to video.

Would anyone care to share their experiences with Vegas Video?