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Submitted by Norman Fernandez on Sat, 08/03/2019 - 06:42

Upon Reading the post from the from Mix Songs,
That Tracks should have at least 1 Instrument Recorded Via Microphone.
Is there any VST Based Forum?

I'll be getting into Microphone Recording Soon.
A lot of Questions to come from me! :)

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Submitted by Colin on Wed, 02/13/2019 - 15:13

Hi, I'm glad someone here might be able to help me. I just bought Pro Tools. It won't let me start the application until I activate my AIR plugin . I tried activating it and the activation number is already used it max number of times. I don't even want the plugin anymore. So, I already tried deactivating the plugin in my iLok manager and it won't let me deactivate it.

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Submitted by Rodolfo Planes on Fri, 01/05/2018 - 08:55

Hi, people! Glad to be in this "neighborhood".
A question: is it possible to link several computers running each one their own VST library and command them by one other computer using Pro Tools?
I mean, I thinking to distribute the software in differente resources (Mac's or PC's) to improve results in terms of time and stability.
May be it possible? Thanks!