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vocal distortion

Vocal Saturation/Distortion

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Submitted by dayn72283 on Wed, 05/10/2006 - 21:09

I'm sure there are several methods to the same end in this case, but I was wondering how the vocals are tracked/processed to get the sound you hear from groups like Rancid, Arctic Monkeys, The Hives, etc. I know that most of these recordings are already limited to the max, but the vocals have a certain "old tape" quality.

Vocal Distortion on Recording

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 01/24/2005 - 08:13

Am new to this forum...and am not sure if I'm posting in the
right place, or if there has been a previous post of the same question. Tried to do a search for FAQ's but unable to come up
with anything. or if someone could redirect me to the right
place to post, I would appreciate it.
Question: I am using a HD recorder / Tascam 788 and was trying

Vocal Distortion on the M-Audio Mobile Pre

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Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 01/19/2005 - 20:21

Hi.. I just purchased an M-Audio Mobile pre, and having some issues recording vocals. I am using the live 4.0 that came with the hardware (until I purchase something better), and my setup is straightforward. My Guitar-mic to the mobile pre to my computer via usb. No mixers, no nothing. I am able to record guitar tracks perfectly.

Vocal distortion FX and VTB-1

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Submitted by tripnek on Wed, 09/17/2003 - 14:21

I do a lot of metal bands and they tend to want distortion on the vocals for some or all of the tracks. I've tried using plugins like the grungilizer, I've run the track through the Line 6 POD, Sansamp Bass DI and a few other Guitar distortion boxes. For the most part the bands are satisfied, but I'm not happy with the results I've achived at this point.