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Xeon or i7

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Submitted by ByteMe on

Providing that it is apples to apples as in same # of core, CPU speed, which chip would perform better for home recording? No sure but is one better for serial and or parallel processing? I will be using Cake walk, not sure of what amp Sim or other plugins outside of the plugg-ins that come with cakewalk that I will be choosing.

Need to build a new DAW i7 or Xeon?

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Submitted by rocker73 on

I have got to the point where i need to build a new PC as a DAW as my old Athlon machine just won't cut it anymore with all the new software i am running

i.e. Superior Drummer 2.0, EZKeys, Pod Farm plugins etc. Also I want to upgrade to using Pro Tools 10.

The question is for Audio am i better with a xeon or an i7?

Best processor Xeon or i7?

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Submitted by ims731 on

I'm prepping to build a new computer for my studio and want to get the best performance I can. I know the Xeon processors are considered server/workstation chips. But I've heard they do a better job number crunching.

Has anyone had any experience with them in an audio DAW or am I better just going with a high-endi7 chip.


dual core amd versus 2 xeon cpu's

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Submitted by anonymous on

I'm just about to upgrade my daw and have seen two good options. One is a dual core amd 64x2 and the other has two xeon 3.2ghz cpu's. My question is, do you think I would notice a significant speed advantage with the twin xeon system (about a grand more than the amd 64x2)? I use Cubase SX3 and Reason 3 with an O1x and Emu 1820m.

Many thanks for any opinions.

I am considering a Dual Xeon CPU Set up for Pro Tools LE

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Submitted by anonymous on

I have a Digi002 rack set up and I am currently using a P4 3.2 GHZ CPU. I record mainly acoustic based music, with little to no MIDI used at all. I don't usually track with effects to 'tape' so needless to say, there are a lot of plugin 's being used when it comes time to mix down.

Any advantages in a Xeon based system?

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Submitted by shaneperc on

... I have no idea if a Xeon workstation would be beneficial to audio work. I've read the specs on the Intel site, but the only difference I've seen between the Xeon and P4 is that the Xeon lacks the newer (untested) technologies. Is there a different cache structure than the P4? Greater throughput?