Recording Choirs
Here is the latest video on recording choirs, and follows on from the video from earlier this week where I talked about different stereo techniques.
Here is the latest video on recording choirs, and follows on from the video from earlier this week where I talked about different stereo techniques.
It seemed sensible, before starting to do the video on recording choirs, to explain a little about the differing techniques you can use to record 'real' stereo - as in recording the placement of individual sound sources within a stereo soundfield. Quite different from our usual multitrack method of panning the various tracks to their proper location.
Recording cello and piano, I am going with XY stereo far and above, and spot mics for both instruments (two for piano amd one for cello).
I pan only the spots, and not the XY stereo track, right?
Thanks in advance...
There are tons of discussions about these stereo techniques (RTF, NOS, XY, Decca tree, Blumlein, AB) but I did not see much with regard to the mix once used them after recording.
Announces the release of the RODE iXY stereo microphone for the Apple iPhone and iPad, as well as the RODE Rec audio recording app for iOS devices. RODE launched both today at the CES exhibition in Las Vegas.
Example in XY, How are you securing microphones in a shock mounts from moving out of from position?
What are the pros con between ORTF and XY?
Hi there,
XY creates a stereo image by using two cardioid or hyper cardioid microphones placed as near as possible to each other (and up to 12 inches apart) at 90-135 degrees spread and with the center of the spread pointed at the sound source.