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Recording in stereo - Real Acoustic Performances

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Submitted by paulears on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 13:30

It seemed sensible, before starting to do the video on recording choirs, to explain a little about the differing techniques you can use to record 'real' stereo - as in recording the placement of individual sound sources within a stereo soundfield. Quite different from our usual multitrack method of panning the various tracks to their proper location.


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Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 02/08/2011 - 10:26

What are the pros con between ORTF and XY?

  • How do you know which config to use?
  • Is one better for solo, quartet, choirs, orchestra?
  • How does crossing XY change the imaging vs the opposite in ORTF?
  • Does X have to be above Y (or vise versa) and why?
  • Do you use the same Cardioids for XY or ORTF or a?



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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 06/10/2010 - 08:00

XY creates a stereo image by using two cardioid or hyper cardioid microphones placed as near as possible to each other (and up to 12 inches apart) at 90-135 degrees spread and with the center of the spread pointed at the sound source.