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To the Recording engineers who suffer from Fibromialgy

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Submitted by Alécio Costa on

Hi friends!

For those who do not know what is Fibromialgy, it is an intense muscle/nerve pain due to stress, few sleeping hours, anxiety and so. It is awful, hurts a lot and does not have a proper cure for it.

It is similar to tendinitis and pain in the back.

You shall do Acupunture, Hydrogynastics, Fisioterapy, relax, improve your job ergonometry and work less to fell better.

I have just started a treatment with a very strong muscle relaxer that seems to do fine. Oka, if I become the wolf of Micahel Jackson's THRILLER video clip I can also inform you. LOL!

There is a medicine called Miosan, by apsen. Hey, I do not work for them oka? Maybe they could buy me a pair of ADAMS .. LOL

The formula is: Cloridrato de Ciclobenzaprina.

I can tell you that I fell 90% better.

Hope it can help you!




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This is great news Alécio!

Modern medicine has come a long way...although I do not take any synthetics (other than some beer) I am glad you found the relief you were seeking.

Watch out for habit forming drugs.

Do the natural thing.

Eat what comes from trees, followed by a huge steak once each 2 weeks and drink plenty of spring water.

Your exercise regiment is also important.

I also feel that most important is spiritual health. Stay locked in!

Congradulations on the seeking of relief!

Thu, 02/13/2003 - 14:54 Permalink
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Alécio Costa

also important and hard to control is that these kind o stuff depends on personality.

Ten minutes while talking to me the doctor already had a medical/clinical picture of me.

Anxiety, stress, worrying, few sleeping hours.

I have just received an info from another place so as to avoid diet sodas because the sweeters may intercat with the "disease".



BTW... BIll. Uncle Cedar already listened to the Brazilian Anthem I produced and already reported it. THis one is fine. The other two are those who have the frequency problem. Hope to hear from ya dear!


Thu, 02/13/2003 - 17:57 Permalink
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rovo chairs are made in germany and the build quality is just awesome, the one I use sports a solid aluminium base and it's totally adjstable for your height, weight and body size, it costs twice as much as the aereon but the build quality is twice as tough ...

I would recommend a clone chair only if they stick to the ergonimic side of the design, most of the aereon clones i looked at before going for the rovo basically sucked (and they were expensive too)...

many people don't realize what a good ergonomic chair can do for their work, if you spend more than 4 hours sitting in your studio (which I do) a good chair is a wise investment...

Thu, 02/13/2003 - 22:01 Permalink