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Hi there!

I've just purchased my first set of 'real' monitors... the Blue Sky ProDesk set. I want to make sure that I'm getting the 'true balance' between the low and high-endon the system... that I'm hearing the actual level of the bass in relation to the highs. I'm wondering if there is a standard method for setting the levels of the two mains and the sub using some noise and my handheld SPL meter?

Also, is it 'easier on the gear' to leave the monitors turned on all the time, or to shut them off and only power them up when I'm going to use the system? I know that computers seem happier when they're left on constantly, or in 'sleep' mode... but I wasn't sure about monitors. I don't want to be hard on the power supplies and amps if I can avoid it!

Thanks all,



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