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Question # 1: if BMW offered a new car that was twice faster than their flagshio 731i but ran on a new kinf od gas, we'd all be runiing out to buy it wouldn't we? Question # 2, I've spent three years upgrading my software versions, buying new plugin , building a quite impressive preset lib. etc... now a new gas type comes along and it's not compatable, not to mention my resale evalue is gone! Question # 3 Does anybody know if the 3ed party companies will off a upgrade at an afforable price or will we have to re-buy full versions. Question # 4 I'm sure Digi wants us to buy new Plugins from them at full price.
Am I the only one upset! of have I overeacted ? :confused:



Ang1970 Wed, 01/23/2002 - 00:22

Originally posted by Kurtstudio:
Question # 1: if BMW offered a new car that was twice faster than their flagshio 731i but ran on a new kinf od gas, we'd all be runiing out to buy it wouldn't we?Depends on the gas.

Question # 2, I've spent three years upgrading my software versions, buying new plugin, building a quite impressive preset lib. etc... now a new gas type comes along and it's not compatable, not to mention my resale evalue is gone!So what is the question here?

Question # 3 Does anybody know if the 3ed party companies will off a upgrade at an afforable price or will we have to re-buy full versions. Question # 4 I'm sure Digi wants us to buy new Plug ins from them at full price.We're all still waiting for the other foot to drop on this one.

Am I the only one upset!!Nope. You are at the end of a very long line.

of have I overeacted ?At times like this, I don't know exactly where to draw that line. In private emails, a couple people have made suggestions in very bad taste which involved planes and digi's headquarters. But I will not repeat those here. And I have started talking with people about sitting on Fairlight's doorstep until they listen to our list of petitions. If you can't move Mohamed to the mountain, forget about Mohamed and find somebody who's already at the mountain!