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i know people have had trouble with the via chipsets, but a lot of reviews say this board is an "overclockers wet dream" as one put it. so any feed back?

cpu athlon xp1800
512mb ddr
2 maxtor
dual matrox g450
antec case
and ps
plextor CD-RW
windows xp or 2000
Cubase and such


anonymous Mon, 02/04/2002 - 20:54

o.k..............figured that much with that abit board, but wanted to run it by you guys anyway. i couldnt find anything cheap enough with amd 760 chipsets though so the order is in. it has come down to the iwill xp333 with the athlon xp1800, antec case and ps, thermaltake orb1, maxtor 20 gig the L series and the 60 gig (on backorder, damnit!), g450 dual head video, windows 2k, 512mb pc2100. still need soundcard though. i figure i need more research on that.
do you guys know good bios configuring when the time comes eh?
never have done it so, uh, i guess i'll figure it out :( wish me luck.