This is my first posting here though I've been reading many of the opinions on all the things that I'm completely obsessed with; that is studio gear, cool Microphones, beautiful instruments...
But my first question is pretty straightforward. I've got an ever-growing pile of really nice mic-preamps, from 3 CAPI (2 VP28 and 1 VP312), a Neve 511, a Focusrite ISA one, a UAD 4-710d, and assorted others that fill the "not bad" heading. And then I have the Golden Age Project Pre-73 MKII. And the problem I'm having is that with all my other mic-pre's it's really a pretty easy process to dial in a great sound with a very good mic (AKG 414,Sony C-37A, Advanced Audio CE12, WA 67, among others) but with the pre-73 I feel like I'm struggling to just have it not only not distort but have the damn thing sound good at all!!!
So my question is did I just get a lemon? Though I've had good experience with Golden Age in the past maybe this mic-pre is just not that good? Maybe, god forbid, I'm not using it correctly? Maybe there is a good mod that can make this mic pre sound better? I mean I know it's not going to sound like a vintage 1073 but come on!!!
Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Harry
presuming your gain staging is correct...
In reply to presuming your gain staging is correct... by kmetal
Distorting pre-amp
Can you provide an audio clip?
Hi Harry, welcome to RO. As Boswell suggests, if you provide an audio clip of what you are experiencing, we would likely be able to help you.
I did buy 2 UK sound 1176…
I did buy 2 UK sound 1176 mic pre (clones of 1073 with compressor) and had to sell them not long after. It was noisy and not sounding as rich as other mics I own.
It certainly gave me apprehension to ever buy other clone preamps. I have a Warm audio U47 clone which is ok, then 2 Golden age LA-3A clones who sound very good. I'm sure some clone preamps are good, but I just got a bad taste.
I replaced them with a Manley force and I'm very happy with it.
I also own ISA preamps and the UA-470 (which I feel being very easy to distort)
All in all, there could be problems on mass produced units like the Pre-73..
Let us know if you had it replaced or found the solution..
Thanks for the input. I also have an ISA one and it's a great pre-amp. I also have some API and Neve pre-amps and a UA 4-710d which is amazing. So I didn't really need the pre-73 and I also didn't really like the sound.
So I sold it and now I don't worry. I also have a Warm Audio Tube mic which sounds great! So I'm not down on all clones as some are very good...