hi guys ... can you advice me any device that has upto 16 mic inputs other then pro tools HD. cuz i can't afford 11,000$ for interface and its core card.
thank you
from my understanding you can get 18 i/o on a 002 for 1200, motu
from my understanding you can get 18 i/o on a 002 for 1200, motu you can get up to 20 and that is 900 bucks but you mix in in Cubase. You can get an Adat to get the extra channels. But a budget would help if you could, because you might also want a workstation and not even go near your computer.
motu 828 mkii. 2 inputs with preamps, 8 more analog inputs (you
motu 828 mkii. 2 inputs with preamps, 8 more analog inputs (you will need pres) 8 inputs via adat (you will need pres plus adat connection) 2 inputs via spdif (you will need 2 pres and spdif connectors) total, 20 inputs.
a cheap way of doing it would be to use the 2 built in mic pres, plus the 8 analog pres (any mic pre will do with these, including like a mackie mixer, whaever you got. Then send the out put of 8 more pres via adat to the motu 828 mkii using this light pipe converter:
(Dead Link Removed)
that means that if you have like a 16 ch mackie mixer with direct outs you can send 8 to the analog on the 828 mkii and the other 8 to the 828 mkii using the $150 lightpipe converter- thus giving you 18 analog inputs with pres, the 16 from the mackie plus the 2 built in in the 828mkii.
Of course if you want to add the 2 spdif you will have to get an AD wih spdif, such as the apogee rosetta, which will set you back like $1500. (for a total of 20 total inputs on the 828mkii) but that will also mean that you will have 2 ch of pristine AD conversion to use for critical instrument recording such as lead vox, guitars and keyboards. :D
oh yes, and the 828 mkii is about $750 new, the lightpipe conver
oh yes, and the 828 mkii is about $750 new, the lightpipe converter $150 new, so you can have 18 channels of analog inputs for about $900 (just add 16 ch of your own pres- a mackie 16 ch mixer found used for about $500 will do) that's how I would do it if I was starting out with no AD and no pres, a total of $1400 will get me 18 quality analog inputs in my computer. (including the 2 preamps in the 828 mkii) :D
shezan what can you afford? would help with what you can
what can you afford? would help with what you can get...