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I'm one. But I could find any forum about it...


anonymous Fri, 05/11/2001 - 14:19

Peronsally, I'm really interested in what Creamware has been doing...I think the product direction (from what I can gather from it...this being one of the problems) is very forward thinking. My concern is the quality of the software.

It seems that Creamware aren't very present in the US (at least where I am) so I haven't had the opportunity to play with the software. I heard that they use some kind of additional layer of abstraction in order to maintain a single look and feel between the MacOS and Windows, the trouble is that this introduces an inherent performance problem.....having said that of course, all I've seen is the screenshot's on their website!!

What has your experience (or anyone else) been?


ThomasT Sat, 05/12/2001 - 07:23

You will know that pulsar/scope is a DSP bases virtual Studio solution. In a pulsar (i'm using pulsar I and pulsar SRb - together 10DSPs) project you have different modules. A 32 track Mixer, EQs, Effekts, Dynamic and so on and you can connect these and use these the same way like real audio devices. If a 32 track mixer is not enought so you can run a second one, if you have enought dsp-poxer.
And you'll get a lot of great synthesizers.
And you can use external effects because ofte low latency.

I like the idea. I think it is a low cost alternative to protools. I use Cubase. The problem is that is a littel bit unstable. Creamware has only drivers for Win98 (and Mac).

Another problem is that there are not many third partyplug-insavailable. I hope it will be better.

Together with Cubase (running on host cpu) and the dsp-power of creamware you can mix without the need of submixes. For me is_t great. Althought I had and have problems with stability. (Athlon board)

And Wavelab uses the Windows-Wavedrivers. So I can record my mix directly with Wavelab when I route the Mix-out into the wavedevice.
All in one Computer. A complete Studio in a 8unit Rack....
