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Microphone cutting out during recording

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Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 02/08/2009 - 19:50

Here is what I'm working with: Sterling ST55 Condenser Mic, 1XLR Cable plugging the Mic into an MBOX 2, 1 USB Cable Plugging My MBOX 2 into my comp.

I've been using this setup since August of '08 with multiple sessions and I have had no problems up until two weeks ago when my Microphone would start cutting out in the middle of takes and at times it would make a noise like "Wind Swirling" or a "Farting" noise (No Joke). There have been some sessions where I do not have this problem and other times where the problem seems to come back. It happens randomly!

Here's What I have tried:

1. I've tried switching the XLR Chord, The Problem Still Persists.

2. I've tried switching the USB cable from MBOX 2 to comp, Problem Remains.

3. I've tried plugging in Mic to Channel 2 of my MBOx, Problem Remains.

4. I've tried using a different Phantom Power 48V source, Problem is still there

If anybody has other solutions, I would greatly appreciate it. I'm getting frustrated over something that might be easy to fix only I'm not finding the solution. Thank You!


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Space wrote: How have you prepared your computer for recording or rather have you disabled or turned off anything that should not be running?

All I did was change some of the Graphic Settings that the Pro Tools Set Up Guide instructed me to do. I did this back in August when I installed Pro Tools. Haven't done anything else. No other programs have been running when I record. Would you suggest any programs not to have on my comp? It's worked for 5 months until 2 weeks ago

Sun, 02/08/2009 - 23:01 Permalink
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ThaWatchmen wrote: times it would make a noise like "Wind Swirling" or a "Farting" noise (No Joke). There have been some sessions where I do not have this problem and other times where the problem seems to come back. It happens randomly!

Yes, it's a common problem. Curry seems to be the worst.

You may have a fault with your ST55. Borrow a different microphone and try that.

Mon, 02/09/2009 - 04:11 Permalink
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Thomas W. Bethel

Lots of things could be wrong. You need to figure out if it is your microphone or your preamp so borrow a different microphone and try it.

As to the Sterling. There maybe something wrong with it. It could be related to phantom power, it could be condensation on the mylar diaphragm, it could be that you have accidently damaged the microphone either from a fall or from putting too high a decibel level into it from and instrument or voice, it could be that there is something wrong on the circuit board with one of the components. Sterling has one of the thinnest diaphragms around and it does not take much to damage it. If you continue to have problems with the microphone and it is proven that it is the microphone and not the preamp then you may have to send it back to Sterling for a checkout and repair. Microphones such as the SM-57 and SM58 are very rugged microphone and it takes a lot to damage them. Large Diaphragm condenser microphones are very fragile and have to be handled with care.

Let us know what you find.

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 04:59 Permalink
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Thomas brought up a good indication of what can happen, and especially to true, non-polarized condenser/capacitor microphones regarding humidity & condensation. I've had this happen in the past to U87's when folks would work the microphone too closely, without a pop filter of any sort. Just breathe too hard on one and you get what you've described. This can be of particular concern to folks that live in very humid environments like New Orleans, Miami, Puerto Rico where air conditioning may have been insufficient.

Stop breathing
Ms. Remy Ann David

Tue, 02/10/2009 - 12:07 Permalink
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Brian McCarthy

I googled this problem because I am having the exact same problem and found this sight and thread. I have tried different amps and power sources. My Daughter has a home recording studio and first brought this to my attention. It was so bad that I just purchased a new mic with Pop filter. She was not using a pop before. I will try the pop filter on this to see if this helps because the sensitivity is extreme and I can make this mic cut out if I get too close while at the wrong angle or directional relationship to the mic. Meaning too high or too low or too far left or right of the diaphragm/pickup will cause t to cut out, albeit randomly. Thanks Remy

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 11:24 Permalink
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Remy is no longer a member here.

What mic are you using?

If your mic is "cutting out" when you are singing into it, then one of a few things are happening. The first is that it could be the mic. A good microphone, in normal operating condition, won't "cut out" no matter how loud you sing. You should be able to scream into it - and depending on the mic, while you can get distortion from this - it shouldn't stop working.

If you are using the Sterling like the OP was, it is a very cheap Chinese condenser mic. I've used them at client's home studios, and while they don't sound anywhere as nice as a good condenser like a Neumann or AKG, it still shouldn't be cutting out. It's possible you've got a bad one. I'd return it and do a swap, and before I took it home, I'd test it at the music store.

A pop filter won't make a bit of difference in this case.

The second thing it could be is the pre amp/audio capture device. If you are distorting the pre, then you need to turn down the input gain.

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 22:17 Permalink