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You know we have a chat room in Mirc!

The address is

We will meet at 8PM est each night.

Be there or be square.

Go get the agent and d load it and join in.

I will start the session on Jan 3 2003 for those interested.

This is an invitation folks.


anonymous Thu, 01/02/2003 - 15:24

Instructions on how to register:

Log in to the server using the nick you wish to use permanently.


/NICKSERV REGISTER yourpassword youremailaddress

Replace yourpassword with a suitable password that you will always remember, and ensure that you replace youremailaddress with a VALID e-mail address.

You will be sent an e-mail with instructions on how to complete the registration.

Once you have completed that, contact me and I will add RO moderators to the AOP list.

NOTE: A moderator MUST log in to the channel at least once in a months time, or the channel WILL BE LOST.
