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Hey all,
I have about 50 wav samples that all need the exact same edit.
The samples hit slightly behind the beat, and I'm looking to delete this empty space on all files at once (same edit).
I have wavelab 6 and there doesn't seem to be a way to batch this.. any suggestions?


Cucco Thu, 09/27/2007 - 14:21

If the space at the beginning of each file is identical, it should be pretty easy for any multi-track DAW.

Simply place each sample on its own track aligned to 0 and trim the front samples of the project then export each track to its own web file.

The trick is, if it's 16 bit, load the file at 16 bit, don't load it in at 24 bit or you'll have to dither back down and for this type of edit, it should not be necessary and no benefit will be gained.