First of i am a noob when it comes to mics because i just started this whole home studio thing. Now, i just need to know how much phantom power does this PA system gives off. Because i purchased a CADGXL2200 condenser mic to plugin and play but it's not working and it said the mic needs 48v phantom power but the PA's manual book never mentions one thing about how much v phantom power it has. So i was wondering if any of you guys know. And please someone tell me what is phantom power?
usernamewastaken, post: 382184 wrote: i just started this whol
The manual doesn't mention it because the unit doesn't have it. That's why it's not in the manual. That mic won't work directly with that unit.
"Phantom power" is power supplied by a unit that a condenser mic needs to operate. It runs through the XLR mic cable. Without being powered, a powered condenser mic will not work. (This all could have easily been Googled. Search engines are your friend.)
You have two choices. Buy a preamp that supplies phantom power, plug the mic into that, and that into the PA. Or, take the mic back and trade it for a dynamic mic that doesn't need phantom power, and will work.
I realize you are a beginner. You should realize a few things, though. (I'll try to be easy, but some things just need to be kind of blunt to quickly make the point. Please don't think I'm being condescending.)
A 4-channel, low-powered, feature-deprived mixer/amp is not something that is really considered as "studio" equipment. It's not meant for anything useful in a studio, except for possibly a cheap keyboard mixer...and only then if you wish to run keyboards into an amp/speakers to record or practice with, instead of running direct-recording (for cleaner sound.) It's also useful for, maybe, a low-volume guitar duo practice in a small room, being only 60 watts.
Those PAs are designed for cheap low-power vocal amplification for things like small meeting rooms, or a low-volume coffee shop solo/duo performance. Very few desirable uses "studio" applications. I guess that since it's got RCA "Recording Out" jacks, you could get a start on running that into some recording device, and start practicing with mixing. Everyone's gotta start somewhere.
You'd be better off taking that mic back, and trading it for a Shure SM57/58. The difference between that, and buying even an inexpensive mic preamp w/phantom power to make the CAD work is negligible...and you'll own at least one good-quality item that will be useful forever, instead of all low-quality stuff. Any possible "sound-quality enhancement" that may have been advertised (and that you bought into to buy a $50 condenser) would likely be negligible, anyway, through a bottom-dollar PA system. Even if you bought a $5000 mic, it would be like putting racing fuel in a Yugo, and expecting the Yugo to be a race car. It'd be a waste of fuel (and probably blow up the Yugo before it's normal 1000 mile lifetime!)
I'd think trading that mic in would be your best bet. Get a good-quality Shure. You can't go wrong with one. Plug it in, and go.
(BTW...gotta wonder about the unfortunate brand names companies come up with. "Harbinger"? The first thing that comes to my mind is "harbinger of doom!" Not a good selling point. Not quite as bad as that Chinese guy with his KLD guitar amp company naming his "innovative" new amp "Uranus", though!)
Good luck,
no it's okay to say it bluntly i prefer to just know it right aw
no it's okay to say it bluntly i prefer to just know it right away. And thanks your reply was really a great help! I will be checking into the shure mic that you recommended. I most likey will be returning the condenser mic and get a dynamic mic. again Thank you very much your reply was really helpful!