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Hey guys,

A mate and I have been talking about building and opening a recording studio for a while. A place that offers radio ready stuff but at a good price so most muso's can record there. A place with properly designed and acousticaly treated rooms, etc.

I'm a firm believer in "build it and they will come", meaning, in Melbourne there are a heap of guys who claI'm to have studios but when I have checked them out they usualy end up being spare bedrooms in a house which have not been specificaly designed for recording purposes. It seems as though anyone who has an mbox in a square room can say they have a studio.

From your experiences would you recommend building something decent from scratch, or, would you say no because the average punter probably doesnt understand what the difference is between the 2 studios and will just go to the cheapest guy they find.

I know these days that because of technology a lot of places are closing down.

Would like to hear your experiences and what you think.




Cucco Fri, 04/01/2005 - 07:14

Hey SammyG,

My thoughts - do it.

If there truly is a lack of studios in your area (other than the bedroom studios) and there are a lot of bands and you know a few people, put it together.

It might cost a pretty penny, and you may live like a pauper for a while, but it might pay off too.

I'm in the process of doing the same thing and I can tell you it takes a LOT of money. But, if you play your cards right and take your time to make sure you're not in debt up to your ears to afford it, you might just be surprised.


anonymous Fri, 04/01/2005 - 23:51

In my area, a few studios have shut down, but it seems that if the studios put out good product they stay open. My band recorded at one of the nicer studios in town, it was beautiful and the rooms sounded great. But we were stuck with their engineer and the final result was awful. That studio hardly gets any business at this point. My little mobile studio doesn't have nearly the gear or mics or rooms that that studio has, but when people hear my stuff they want to record with me. So i think that if you and other people are confident in the way your recordings sound, you won't have a problem. If you just have some money and want to buy some killer equipment, but the results are less than spectacular, no one will want to record there for any price. Hopefully its the first scenario and definetly good luck!

zemlin Sat, 04/02/2005 - 07:18

jonyoung wrote: If you're good, you'll do fine.

That's the key, IHMO. It may take a while to get established, but if folks like what you do, word will get around. I'm just past 3 years of when I got serious about this stuff - I operate in a spare bedroom, but I have recorded folks who have done recordings in "official" studios - not just because I cost less, but because I get better results too. I started out doing a lot of work for free just to get practice and have some demo material. I'm at the point now where I can't consider much charity work because I'm booked up with paying clients.

This is a side-business/hobby for me - I just about broke even last year - this year should yield a reasonable profit - if I don't buy too many new toys. I'm a LOOOOOOOOONG way from being able to quit the day job, however! It will likely be 20 years before I can get serious about retirement - I'll be able to record as much as I want then 8)

anonymous Sun, 04/03/2005 - 00:31


If you decide to go for it what I would say is don't be afraid to diversify just to keep the cashflow going, advertise yourself at the local bar where they do karaoke offering to make CDs of them attempting to sing, not pleasent at best but can be a real money spinner. Voice overs, talking manuals and other voice work can prop up a studio during lean times.

Also go to your local college and/or university ask them to orginise a talent competition with first prize being 1( or 2) days recording at your studio. These places are good breeding ground for new bands.

Just some thoughts, hope it works out.



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