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cpu confusion

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Submitted by anonymous on

:) hi, i am about to upgrade my old amd athlon daw, to something that doesn`t max out at 30 tracks, the problem i have is that i can`t decide which cpu to go for, amd 64,venice 3200 or the intel 630 emt64

they are aroungd the same cost at the moment in the UK about £120,

so i would be grateful for any advice.



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Intel all the way. Apparently, even Macs will be using Pentium-based architecture soon. Manufacturers such as RME, Steinberg (Sony) and M-Audio also use Intel hardware when developing music hardware/software and finally, memories of AMD and audio glitching has done nothing for their reputation.

The new series of EMT64 chips from Intel (630, 640 etc) should be fine with most 64 bit applications - I've just installed one and it's blisteringly fast and seems to run a lot cooler than my old 2.4 Prescott workhorses.

You just get that sense of stability, professionalism and class when buying Intel.

Check out for some good prices and fantastic service - I always use these chaps.

Hope this helps.

Wed, 10/12/2005 - 22:34 Permalink
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AMD's have gotten better compared to back in the day where they tended to overheat a bit faster and werent as relaiable. I know that Cubase recommended the Pentium chip over the AMD back then too, but now it seems you can use cubase with AMD.

I prefer an intel chip with an intel chipset but take your pick. I think that when the AMD and Pentium were benched they were basically the same.

Click Here! to see a site and comparison graph. Both CPU's arent far off from one another. At least thats what it looked like to me.

Thu, 10/13/2005 - 19:07 Permalink
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Sonarfox wrote: Intel all the way. Apparently, even Macs will be using Pentium-based architecture soon. Manufacturers such as RME, Steinberg (Sony) and M-Audio also use Intel hardware when developing music hardware/software and finally, memories of AMD and audio glitching has done nothing for their reputation.

The new series of EMT64 chips from Intel (630, 640 etc) should be fine with most 64 bit applications - I've just installed one and it's blisteringly fast and seems to run a lot cooler than my old 2.4 Prescott workhorses.

You just get that sense of stability, professionalism and class when buying Intel.

Check out for some good prices and fantastic service - I always use these chaps.

Hope this helps.

LOL LOL where do you get this info?

i can personally tell you (as they came from me) that everyone you mentioned has AMD systems. and Steinberg is not owned by Sony rather Yamaha.

2) anyone buying an Intel system would be a fool to not buy dual core at this point. not a 5x or 6x series chip.

3) Intel runs hotter, runs slower and present processors are "band-aided" by Intels own admission of attempting to keep up with AMD.

and for a comparison based on Audio go here



Fri, 10/14/2005 - 06:38 Permalink
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ADK audio wrote:

3) Intel runs hotter

LOL LOL where do you get this info?

My P4 is at a steady 93F temp, and that is after an all day use. I dont know where your getting this "It runs hotter" from. And I also have several friends who use the pentium and they are around the same running temp.

runs slower and present processors are "band-aided" by Intels own admission of attempting to keep up with AMD.

Show me any article where Intel admits this?

Fri, 10/14/2005 - 13:40 Permalink
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To clear up some stuff

1) Yes, P4's tend to run hotter than Athlon 64's (at comparable speeds), but they're designed to run hotter, so it's a moot point.

2) Apple will not be using "pentium" based architecture. Chips will be manufactured by Intel, but have close to nothing in common with the pentium line of cpu's. OSX has been running on Pentiums for a while, but the final product will not be a pentium chip.

3) Sony owns Sonic Foundry, not Steinberg.

And now for my opinion: Either processor is good. I like AMD's, but I also only use my PC's for gaming.

Fri, 10/14/2005 - 16:37 Permalink
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AudioGaff wrote: Not to get off track, but at the recent AES show in NY, Cakewalk was touting their alliance with Intel and was passing out blue lanyards with both the Cakewalk and Intel logos on them...

i rufuse to comment depsite the majority of Sonar users knowing it runs better on AMD.

did you also notice the Cakewalk/Intel /Gibson thing

Intel has large pockets

someday i may share a story.... when i am no longer in this biz.


Fri, 10/14/2005 - 17:15 Permalink
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the Intel / Cakewalk deal sounds like the AMD / Steinberg deal :)



if you want a killer cool running DAW get the X2 4400+ with an ASUS A8V Deluxe and you will be more than happy. Faster, cooler and 5 PCI slots. And now, UAD-1 certified.

Is Scott correct? YES.

My best,

Guy Cefalu

Sonica Audio Labs

Sat, 10/15/2005 - 15:24 Permalink