Hey guys,
I've always recorded bass by Micing the amp and never recorded direct (I know, I know...) but I've just bought a BSS AR116 for direct recording. Just a couple of questions, as basic and obvious as the second one may be...
1. Is the BSS a decent direct box?
and... painfully...
2. Do I have to run through a preamp (whether it be outboard or on the mixer) before the signal is usable? Or does the AR116 output at line level?
Thanks guys,
I thought as much, I've used direct for keyboard etc - I just ke
I thought as much, I've used direct for keyboard etc - I just keep reading that it converts the signal to line level, but I never believed... considering it'd have to amplify the signal to do so.
Thanks for that!
So has anyone used the BSS AR116 and can comment on how good/crap it is? My unit is in transit right now (eBay job)
Can't answer to the quality of that box ... but I imagine you'll
Can't answer to the quality of that box ... but I imagine you'll find out when you fire it up. To answer your second question, the output of a DI is mic level, so it will need to be run to a mic pre. The purpose of a DI is to change from hi (instrument) to lo (mic) impedence.