I was wondering if any one knows any way to use the Pro Tools digi001 without Pro Tools. Like if there is a driver for it some where that would let me use it with cake walk or cubase?
You should install the Wave Driver or ASIO Driver from Digidesig
You should install the Wave Driver or ASIO Driver from Digidesign; The Wave is a 2 channel driver that allows other third party softwares to run on Digi's hardware, and can be used for all apps like Sound Forge, Wavelab, Media Player etc..The ASIO is multichannel and will allow ASIO compliant apps (like Nuendo or Wavelab) to use all of the phisical I/O of the 001 just like Pro Tools does.
I guess you should find what driver is supported by the software you'd like to use and then download and install it from Digidesign Web site.
Hope this helps
www.digidesign.com--->support--->downloads About half way down
About half way down the page, you will find the the driver links.
Try and find where in your software you set up your inputs and o
Try and find where in your software you set up your inputs and outputs, if your software recognises the 001 you should be alright.
Maybe someone who's used the 001 can come up with a more definite answer.
Good luck