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Hey- anyone out there running DP on a laptop? I've been kicking around the idea of a Titanium G4 (screen's finally just about big enough for audio...), a Hammerfall, and a rack with a couple of RME converters, a firewire drive, and some nice pre's and comps.. Any thoughts? I'd probably mix analog, and use a combination of analog and Waves stuff.


anonymous Fri, 05/11/2001 - 05:04

I was chatting with a couple guys last night who record remotely using Powerbook/DP/828 set-ups. I don't know of anyone using the Hammerfall card with DP, or if it's even shipped yet. It might be the only solution that offers enough throughput for 24 inputs and outputs, considering the Ti's crippled firewire port. The firewire drive is also a little sticky still, Granite Digital builds a fast one. I gather anything that uses the Oxford 911 bridge chip outperforms the previous generation of controllers. Still, the folks I talked to were recording to the internal ATA/66 drive for maximum speed, perhaps you could boot from the firewire drive to maximize the internals access times.
Also check out the MOTU 002 thread on the MOTU board here for a discussion of the upcoming Metric Halo Labs Mobile-IO interface. HTH

Jon Best Fri, 05/11/2001 - 17:47

Interesting. What's the story with the 'Ti's crippled firewire port?' Haven't heard that, but I haven't been paying a lot of attention, either.

Originally posted by subspace:
I was chatting with a couple guys last night who record remotely using Powerbook/DP/828 set-ups. I don't know of anyone using the Hammerfall card with DP, or if it's even shipped yet. It might be the only solution that offers enough throughput for 24 inputs and outputs, considering the Ti's crippled firewire port. The firewire drive is also a little sticky still, Granite Digital builds a fast one. I gather anything that uses the Oxford 911 bridge chip outperforms the previous generation of controllers. Still, the folks I talked to were recording to the internal ATA/66 drive for maximum speed, perhaps you could boot from the firewire drive to maximize the internals access times.
Also check out the MOTU 002 thread on the MOTU board here for a discussion of the upcoming Metric Halo Labs Mobile-IO interface. HTH

anonymous Sat, 05/12/2001 - 05:13

It's a throughput issue. Benchmark a firewire drive connected to a G4 tower and then the same drive connected to a firewire Powerbook (G3 or G4) and the transfer rates drop signifigantly. You can check the exact rates at or in their firewire drive tests. It was less of a concern when the Powerbook had two firewire connections, but the Ti user may be better off with a Cardbus audio solution if they're using firewire drives as well.