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I'm just beginning to move out of the Omni/Io phase of recording into the realm of better pres and effects,at this point my best pre is a Joemeek VC1Q.Beyond other upgrades in preamps,one of the things I'm looking to do is introduce the use of EQ into the basic setup I have now.My question is,what if any difference is there between using mono EQ across a bus as a kind of psudo master,
and stereo EQ in series with the normal stereo output?

My dilemma is basicaly cost.I want to buy a decent EQ,something like a Speck ASC,but if a can get away with putting a single mono EQ across all 4 channels of the Delta 66 card I am using it means I have 500 dollars left to use for something like a better pre.



anonymous Tue, 12/23/2003 - 14:28

Originally posted by Screws:
Because a stereo bus has differences between what is in the left and right, you lose all stereo when you sum to mono to go through a mono device. If you want a Speck ASC, and you want to keep your mix in stereo, you'll need two of them.

With the exeption of the stereo output bus aren't most effect bus's mono? If I am thinking of this correctly I could insert say a mono reverb across multiple mono channels and all it would mean is that the component of the final signal containing reverb was in mono,not that the entire final mix would be mono.I could see how if I summed 100% of every channel into a single mono device I would lose the stereo image but that isn't neccesarily what would happen.Doen't the amount of signal I send to the effect have any impact on how much of the stero image I retain?


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