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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 04/27/2001 - 22:59

I'm trying to swap samples between an Akai s3000 and a Mac G4 via scsi/Recycle/VST. My akai samples are stored on Jaz disks and the Mac attempts to format them whenever I'm connected.

Is there a way to stop the Mac reading the Jaz (without affecting my interenal G4 Zip drive)?

Or, is there a better way to integrate akai and mac for sample exchanges?

Great site by the way.



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I don't think I explained my situation too well...I have the Akai linked to an external Jaz drive which is then linked to the Mac - this is all SCSI.
When I try to load Akai samples from the Jaz (to Akai) the Mac attempts to read these and asks me if I want to format them.
So, is there an extension I can turn off on the Mac to stop it trying to read the Jaz?

Thanks for replying Opus.

Mon, 04/30/2001 - 10:04 Permalink
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Generally when you have two different OS's sharing a single SCSI device they tend to fight for the right to contact the device..
The best thing to do is seperate the devices..The Akai wants control over the device while the drivers for the Mac are holding onto it..if anything you should be able to disable the Iomega drivers in the extensions manager but I'm not quite sure about that one..if you want to share them get an A/B switch this way you can control wich OS(Mac or Akai) has control over the Zip/Jaz drive
Good luck

Mon, 04/30/2001 - 17:20 Permalink
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Actually, I was able to load data to my Akai S2000 when connected to my G3. The error message will pop up but ignore it and don't try to access your Mac. You continue to load your disk to your sampler, as it worked for me in the past. I recommend a SCSI switcher(which I use now because I have an Akai and Emu sampler connected) You can switch your sampler offline, load your samples, then switch back online. There is an issue of when you can do your switching but I usually don't have too many issues doing it that way. Good Luck!

Tue, 07/10/2001 - 18:14 Permalink