Posted this after reading your post in the nearfield post. Like most here I've done most of my mixing on nearfields, but I'm building a new room and I'm struggling with the whole soffit mount speaker thing at the moment.
Basically I'm wondering if you could ramble on a bit about mounting bigger speakers and perhaps recommend some brands I could look into.
The room I'm building will be based on a 22x16 footprint with a cathedral type ceiling which reaches 10 feet in the centre(it slopes up from 8 feet to a 10 foot flat ceiling.) I know this is less than ideal, I have plans for a larger 20x22 room with 12 foot ceilings, but budget constraints mean this room is at least a year from finish date.
The console will face the long wall(22') and I had planned two wings on either side where I would like to build in the soffits. So basically I'm facing an 8' flat wall with a window to the live room with the soffit walls angling back from that wall. I'll have 16' of depth to place the console in whatever becomes the sweet spot.
I know this is becoming as clear as mud, but anything you can suggest will help me refine my plans, thanks and take care Logan
I have friend who happens to be a professional engineer and he j
I have friend who happens to be a professional engineer and he just built his home studio , his home studio looks like a small professional studio (he spent about 5 to 7 grand just for the acoustics),he brought in a G4/Digi 001 setup plus a PowerBook running Cubase 5.0 .we have a wave of ProTools based studios blossoming in the Lisbon area ,in fact all look a bit the same,Digidesign Control/24,Genelecs...we only have a couple of RADAR based studios here and a few agonizing analog ones...Anyway this friend had this tiny room mesured for acoustics by a pro and builded his studio from scratch .I went there to record some acoustic guitars a couple of times and became amazed ,besides the acoustic isolation what really brought my attention there is his hand made monitors,they are bigger than common near fields ,about 5 inches,have bass reflex,they cost about 800 dollars but then you must buy a amp,they are hand made in Majadahonda ,in the suburbs of Madrid,Spain.
The problems with monitors is that once you heard a better one it is very hard to go back to your home studio nearfields when they sound like shit...
Good Luck