i'm looking for mastering software as well and the previous post is very instructive.
however, i'm all mac and dp. any suggestions for mastering software or pluginsthat are specific to the mac or a digital performer?
Mostplug-inshave both Mac & PC versions. Waves is a prime examp
Mostplug-inshave both Mac & PC versions. Waves is a prime example.
I've yet to find anything that will get a DirectX-anything to work on a Mac, but I haven't really looked for that too hard either.
BIAS Peak is my favourite two-track editor, hand-in-hand with the Waves Gold bundle. But I mostly use that for editing and clean up: any actual mastering I do is handled by T-RackS.
you can try our PSP VintageWarmer (Multi-Band limiter/compressor
you can try our PSP VintageWarmer (Multi-Band limiter/compressor or even more).
Now it is also in MAS version so you can use it in DP.
Regards from Poland
Antoni Ozynski
During my search I found that a lot of the mastering software av
During my search I found that a lot of the mastering software available will work on both platforms. My main method of searching is to go to Dogpile.com and search for music software or mastering software.
I also have found that most full recording programs consider themselves adequate for mastering purposes and I'm sure you can get a pretty good sonic product with any of them. I am not interested in spending thousands of dollars for a name.
I do believe that Mac supports Direct X or VST plug in products(I think), thus if your music software supports these you don't need to care if you have a Mac or PC.