21 February 2007
I sow someweare it can be done with WavesStereo Imager but its not accurately... Is there a way to get exactly the same RMS on both channels?
Reggie wrote: No problem: mixdown to a mono track --> convert t
Reggie wrote: No problem: mixdown to a mono track --> convert to a stereo track. Works every time when you just gotta have the RMS of both channels within less than 0.0001db of each other. 8-)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I was just going to say:
"Record, mix, edit and master in mono..."
Slavebell wrote: I sow someweare it can be done with waves Stere
Slavebell wrote: I sow someweare it can be done with waves Stereo Imager but its not accurately... Is there a way to get exactly the same RMS on both channels?
If you ever wind up with the exact same RMS levels on a stereo recording, you're probably doing something very wrong.
Raise them the same amount.
Raise them the same amount.