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It is with much sadness that I learned today that John Eargle, one of the finest audio engineers and teachers has passed away.

John was scheduled to speak to an AES chapter in Minnesota on Tuesday evening, and when he failed to communicate with them, his JBL colleagues went to his home and found his body.

John lived alone near the Hollywood Bowl and, as reported by Garry Margolis, was planning to sell his home and move to a retirement community, in case he needed medical assistance.

I knew John first as a teacher. Each summer he taught for a week or two at the Aspen School of Music. He was a generous and thoughtful teacher. He loved to solve recording problems, discuss the placement and choice of microphones, and share his knowledge of loud speaker design.

If you are not familiar with his work, I highly recommend the samplers he created called Engineer's Choice and Engineer's Choice II. They can be found and purchased on the Delos International website. He also wrote and published several technical books on recording. They can be found on the Focal Press website.

Peace, John. Thanks for everything.

