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Pretty cool, I'd never heard of this before.


anonymous Tue, 08/05/2003 - 09:50

We've bandied about the notion of putting together either a sample library or a VSTi instrument that would play back the insanely long loops, but we haven't been able to figure out how to have 48 streaming tracks constantly playing, with the ability to play a track(s) at any given instant. I'm sure it could be done, but we just don't have the time or resources to devote to something like that at the moment.

In my opinion, the strongest aspect of the Minitron is the fact that it doesn't play the loops from the beginning - they're constantly moving, so you never know where in the loop you'll be. This makes it great for ambiences and pads, but not so great for that ultra-realistic pizzicato.

I'll get a list together tonight of some of the sounds, and perhaps you and I can see if it's worth pursuing. If past experience is any indicator, I seem to enjoy taking on projects that are a great deal of work for no reward, so this may fit right in! :roll:


Nate Tschetter Tue, 08/05/2003 - 12:15


Heh, right on with the long-looped samples, I can see where that would require a new sort of sample engine unless you had something that consantly modulated the sample start point with an LFO...hmm. Fascinating...I bet it makes some great "Music Concrete" type stuff.

I'm also big on the "big time investment / no reward" thing...whee!

Hey, I look forward to that list!