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Hi I'm in the UK and want to spend under £1000 on some new monitors for d'n'b.

In the past I've always used KRK speakers, but I'm now worried at what's going on with the company, and am hesitant to continue using them. I had the K-Roks (my brother has them now, they still sound great ten years later). 7" cones but they delivered the sub really well. Then because they didn't make them any more, I got the KRK V6's. Crisp and detailed but lacking a certain weight (maybe because they had no ports)... liked them a lot but not as much as the K-Roks.

So the Adams A7's sit right in the middle of those two with a 6.5" cone, and they're ported like the K-Roks.

Mackies I've used whenever I've worked with anyone else, and I'm quite comfortable with their sound, but I've heard the Mackies are not as good as they used to be because of the move in production to China...

I'd also consider the KRK V8 Series II's and the VXT8's (can anyone give me any information on these?)

I've found here in teh UK:

Mackie MKII's - £900 / pair
Adam P11's - £880 / pair
Adam A7's - £470 / pair
KRK V8 II's - £800 / pair
KRK VXT8's - £900 / pair

in the US:

Mackie MKII's - £500 / pair
Adam P11's - £1000 / pair
Adam A7's - £500 / pair
KRK V8 II's - £500 / pair
KRK VXT8's - £600 / pair

This makes the P11's and Adam's in general look by far the best deal over here. Everything else is extremely overpriced. But I do know and love the KRK sound. I haven't tried out the 824 Mk II's but have used the Mk I's many times.

I have to decide today, so any input would be so much appreciated, bearing in mind the kind of music I make.




Cucco Mon, 12/03/2007 - 12:37

Just a couple thoughts.

The V6s should be's that slot at the bottom - a very effective port at that.

The Adam A7s are great monitors - I'm listening on a pair right now and dig them. They will do low bass acceptably well, but they need room to breathe. Don't try to cram them into a tiny room against the back wall. You'll get a pronounced bump at around 80-120 Hz if you do.

Also, don't expect miracls below 40 Hz. It will do a little down there, but nothing earth shattering.



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