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Percentage for Engineer/Producer 10%?

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Submitted by petreestow on Tue, 08/09/2011 - 10:57


I'm going to try to make this quick and to the point.
I'm recording a 12 song album with an engineer (I play the instruments, he records and throws in idea's for sounds every now and then) I don't make a lot of money so I've been paying him like $200 a song which I know is low (considering we've been working for a few months on these songs to try and get them as best as they can be) He wants to make a contract with me stating that whatever I make with these songs as an artist in "net profits" he wants 10%. He doesn't want part of the publishing, just whatever I were to get paid for putting it into a movie, album sales, etc.

I'm wondering if that sounds like a fair deal or if he's asking for a lot...and what a fair percentage would be to give him. Also, should there be a time restriction (like 3 years) Say I do become sucessful...I'm wondering how much else I'm going to have to payout for other things such as a manager, what a record label is going to take off the top, etc. What else is in store?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone


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My input - I'll keep it short.

If he's providing cheap recording services, ideas, sounds, etc. 10% sounds reasonable to me.

I wouldn't restrict the duration to just 3 yrs. - it will be in his best interest to use his contacts to help you succeed. If there was to be a limit, I'd make it longer.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a typical percentage for a artist manager is probably around 15%. (which is not the same as a booking agent)

FYI: A major label takes about 95% "off the top".
Indie labels, on the other hand, are wide open to negotiation.

Tue, 08/09/2011 - 19:15 Permalink