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know this is a little off topic, but everyone is great at sharing ideas and info here so i thought id try anyways. does anyone here know of anyone who has ever attended any courses over at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood? please email me if you do, or have any info or opinions on the course/school. thanks!

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lwilliam Sun, 11/07/2004 - 11:49

This is a little stale-dated from the last post, but I graduated from their one-year GIT program back in the 80's.

It's only gotten bigger and better since then.

I can truthfully say that it was the best year and the most fun I've ever had in my life. You live, eat, and breathe music 18 hours a day. You learn as much from the students as from the teachers and mentors.

It had gotten a bit of a bad rep in LA for a number of years as a "fusion player's school". I even saw some ads for musicians that said "no MI graduates need apply". This also may have been because MI had been training people to be "hired guns", instead of real group members.

However, I think it's become more practical in the past several years and it's more geared to keeping yourself versatile enough to get and keep yourself working as a musician or other specialized area.

It ain't cheap, though: I believe it's now over $10,000 for a one-year program.

they have their own website: