Ok...more software toys to play with!
Reason 2.0 is now being shipped and there is a demo on the website...
oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Opus :D
Hell ya I use it! I love it..it is indeed more of a remix/techno
Hell ya I use it! I love it..it is indeed more of a remix/techno/rap oriented program. You can program some killer drums for regular music tho..as well as using it for midi sequencing in which I truly think overpowers cubase's midi implimentation..I use it in Rewire mode alongside Nuendo and it makes it an amazing combination!
As I said, I'm drooling over the demo for Reason 2.0.....
This rewire stuff is really over my head, but if I understand yo
This rewire stuff is really over my head, but if I understand you correctly, you have it and nuendo running at the same time. Now when you are ready to bounce down to master, are all the tracks played from reason? If so, then you apply all your effects in reason? I don't know. How does this work?
Well, Rewire is a virtual cable that sends the audio of Reason I
Well, Rewire is a virtual cable that sends the audio of Reason INTO the audio engine input of Nuendo. So, when you mix down all you do is choose Export Audio Mixdown...and voilla..all audio from Reason is automatically included with the mixdown.
When you activate the Reason channels they appear in the Nuendo mixer so that you have full level control, automation control and the ability to add fx and so forth in Nuendo to the audio coming out of Reason...All you have to do in Reason is play the thing! lol
Cool, now if only I could get it for free ;) Notice any spe
Cool, now if only I could get it for free ;)
Notice any speed increase now Opus?