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there are some things we as musical artist need to remember keep it simple when you can. remember most of the greateast tracks recorded were done especially 70s one 4 tracks and a razer blade,you can only put so much stuff before things start to clutter the mix ya! ya! i hear the screams out there saying but i have P T le and thers 32 or 48 tracks and I'm sure glad we have all this stuff,BUT we some times clutter a good song to death. killing our dynamics and the impact of certain sounds .
i recently listen to buzhaze on this site the song WORDS
THIS SONG IS SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE IN THIS STYLE NOT TO BUSY TO DISTRACT YOU FROM THE SONG ITSELF . maybe i can learn something this myself . the main point is we learn from our mistakes if we are willing to use it . and talent cain,t be bought toys help s some people are good writers, some good mixers,players, singers, BUT NOBODY IS EVERTHING
we are all weak in some areas thats why we come to this site to sharpen our skills,or to learn tricks find out do,sand don,ts just my thoughts


anonymous Mon, 09/15/2008 - 13:26

I like your idea of reading the post and recording.

Perhaps out of fairness bluesman5252 would like to do that for us. I think much of the post content is being lost due to text/typing limitations.

Running it through a jive translator helps a little:

dere are some wahtahmelluns we as beatal artist need t'rememba' keep it simple when ya' kin. rememba' most uh de greateast tracks reco'ded wuz done especially 70s one 4 tracks and some raza' blade,ya' kin only put so's much stuff befo'e wahtahmelluns start t'clutta' de mix ya. Right On! . Right On! ya. Right On! . Right On! ah' hear de screams out dere sayin' but ah' gots' P T le and ders 32 o' 48 tracks and im sho' nuff glad we gots' all dis stuff ,BUT we some times clutta' a baaaad song t'dead. killin' our dynamics and da damn impact uh certain sounds . i recently listen t'buzhaze on dis site da damn song WORDS THIS SONG IS SIMPLE BUT EFFECTIVE IN THIS STYLE NOT TO BUSY TO DISTRACT YOU FROM THE SONG ITSELF . maybe ah' can learn sump'n dis mah'self . de main point be we learn fum our mis snatch'd if we are willin' t'use it . and talent cain,t be bought toys help s some sucka's are baaaad scribblers, some baaaad mixers ,players, sin'ers, BUT NOBODY IS EVERTHING we are all weak in some areas dats why we mosey on down to dis site t'sharpen our skills,o' t'learn tricks find out do,sand don,ts plum my doughts

anonymous Tue, 09/16/2008 - 01:38

recording/keeping it simple

All I was saying is ocasionaly people get to caught up in how many tracks ,and what kinds of sounds is on songs. If a song is a strong or
should I say catchy when played with one instrument if it gets to with emotion ,fear, pain and sticks in your brain and you can not stop playing it.Then why clutter a song up with to many sounds . I luv pro tools
with all the tools but a good song will hold its on . with just the most basic tracks needed . Im sorry if i offended anyone everyone is hunting something sometimes simplisity is the answer .most songs come from one idea with a old flat top in someones bedroom or back porch or on a old wore out piano.
I like the jive translater that could work for the next president !!!!!

oh i forgot they already have one you could get rich selling them to !!!
HA!!!! IM

Space Tue, 09/16/2008 - 17:41

Here in the Southern part of the States, sometimes you can have so much evening activity, that you may at some point succumb to gravity. The tail tale signs of this are the abrasions on elbows, knees and on at least one occasion the face :)

At this time it is proper etiquette to laugh yer ass off and make as much fun as possible of the yahoo laying on the ground knowing that it could have just as easily been you :)

While getting skint' up never seems funny to the skinnee, watching it happen sure is!

Like hack said, no apology required but thanks for doing it ;)

Davedog Tue, 09/16/2008 - 17:53

Sometimes the cake is a danish with a single candle.....othertimes its four layers with enough flame to set off the fire systems...............

Its all about what you want to hear.

I agree that the song has to support itself without anything other than the writers original instrumentation.

BUT.....sometimes that original instrumentation is 45 pieces of the orchestra.