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Today Johnny Cash went to be with his wife June Carter-Cash who passed away last May.


anonymous Mon, 09/15/2003 - 08:16

If you haven't seen it, I recommend downloading the video "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. I'm not sure when it was recorded, but it's got this really eery "goodbye" quality to it. A lot of shots of him in his old age, and shots of his wife (i think). In light of his passing, it's a pretty intense video to watch.

Kurt Foster Thu, 09/25/2003 - 00:41

"Hurt" is a Nine Inch Nails song that Cash covered. All the stuff Cash had recorded with Rick Ruben in the past few years is good stuff. It is well worth checking out. I think Johnny would have stuck around if his wife June, had lived (that is her in the video). I think he died of a broken heart more than anything else. We lost Sam Phillips this last month also. Tom Dowd and Jeep Hartned (sp?) (founder of MCI) passed earlier this year. It's been a bad year for the ledgends and the pioneers. I will miss Johnny Cash's music. "Ring of Fire" and "Big River" have both been favorites of mine for a long time. Kurt


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