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Has anyone heard these against one another?
What are the sonic differences for pop vocal application ie.Celine Dion, Whitney, open singing?
Thank you all.


mixfactory Tue, 01/01/2002 - 12:41

Yeah, I've tried both(I own a CIB) and they are different in their own way. Every vocalist is different(I've heard great recordings done a VT737 as the primary vocal preamp), You are also talking about a $2000 difference, so its not like straight trade situation. I own (2)9098EQ and a CIB, and what I love is the EQ. The compressor is cool also on the CIB and you can use it as 2 seperate channels(Line and mic). The build quality is first rate. IMO though I think Amek stuff is a little over priced.


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