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Hey Opus, sorry to bother you(or anyone else who might offer some help), but(meaning forget that I said sorry to bother you) I have a problem.
On the computer that I use to cruise the net(this one I am on now) I was downloading some stuff off Kaazaa. I let it download all night, and when I got back to it, it had some scratch search program that it wanted me to load. I said no. But ever since that day, I keep getting these pop up windows. Spam. I checked in control panel to try to uninstall whatever program was loaded to do this, but I found none. I am sure something got loaded onto my computer, and just want to know how to get rid of it.

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SonOfSmawg Sun, 02/09/2003 - 09:22

File Sharing 101:

A) Most file sharing is done with the diliberate purpose of obtaining software that you otherwise would have to pay for.

B) Everytime that you download from a stranger, it's akin to hanging a sign on your house that says, "All ghosts, goblins, spectres, demons, and any other undead entities are welcome here".

C) Kazaa is stuffed with a bunch of spyware. Your problems started when you downloaded the program.

D) If the person that you're downloading from didn't tag-on a little "nasty" for your computer to munch-on, it's possible that the person who he got it from did ... or the person before him ... or the person before him ... or the person before him ...

E) The moral issue ... if you're downloading something from someone to avoid paying the person(s) who designed the program, you're a thief. The one exception to this is if it's a MicroSoft product, with a working "crack" serial number ... then you're COOL! J/K

F) Always keep in mind that there are a lot of assholes out there that get their jollies by distributing the nastiest shyte they can get their hands on to as many people as possible. These are mostly teenagers with more knowledge than sense, and not a lick of remourse.

G) The more expensive and popular the file is, the more likely that there's going to be a little "gift" coming with it. Guys like to use a good vehicle to spread their onslaught, one that will get a lot of takers.

H) Why take the risk of downloading from strangers when there are so many other ways to obtain the software that you want, or a reasonable facsimile? Go to [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.webattac…"]Webattack[/]="http://www.webattac…"]Webattack[/] and check out the hundreds of freeware programs that are available. A lot of them are better than programs that you have to pay for! I have at least a dozen different freeware programs on my peecee that I found on Webattack, not just because they're free, but because they're GOOD!

Obtaining software illegally is usually risky, and it's also ILLEGAL. There are often stiff fines for those who are convicted. Does that mean you'll get caught? Probably not. Does that mean that most most people don't do it? Nope, in fact over half of the software in use today which was "supposed" to have been paid for, has not been. Are there easy, totally safe ways to get expensive software without paying for it? Yup, no problem. Will I tell you how? Hell no.

anonymous Sun, 02/09/2003 - 09:42

Uhh thanks for the lecture SonofSmog. However, I was downloading music, not software. Just like you, I think it is only right for the parties involved to get paid for their hard work(hell, I enjoy it). So I don't pirate software.
I didn't know who nelly furtado was. I heard about her in a chat room. I downloaded a bunch of her songs, liked what I heard, I went and got the CD. Same thing with RemyShand.
I wanted to get into organ, wanted to learn how it was done. I down loaded a bunch af Larry Goldings stuff(got the name out of Keyboard magazine). I liked what I heard, bought a bunch of CDs(tapes really) and decided to stick with guitar.

SonOfSmawg Sun, 02/09/2003 - 10:44

Sorry, Bro, didn't mean for it to be a lecture. You wanted to know why you were having problems, and I explained it ... spyware which comes bundled with the Kazaa program. That's actually the least of your worries. If you download a song, or anything else that comes with a virus or a worm attatched to it, then you'll wish you'd just gone out and bought the CD in the first place. Right? That's my point. Just trying to give you good, useful advice! :)

Uhh thanks for the lecture SonofSmog. However, I was downloading music, not software.

LOL a virus, worm, or any other nasties can also be attatched to a file you're downloading, thinking you're only getting a song.
As far as downloading songs ... well ... it's cool that you ended up buying the CDs. Not everyone uses file sharing to simply audition songs to decide whether they want to buy a CD. I'm sure you're quite aware that a lot of people download thousands of songs so that they can avoid buying CDs altogether. It's really putting a hurt on the music industry.

Even though you aren't file sharing software, you really should take a look at Webattack's huge listings of freeware. There's a lot of great stuff there! Anytime I use someone's freeware, I always send them an email of appreciation. It's just a nice gesture in return for their's.

Good luck, Brother! I really do hope that the information within my "lecture" did provide answers that you were looking for.


anonymous Mon, 02/10/2003 - 05:25

Yes, Adaware is a pretty usefull tool. It's what I use. However, using it to remove the spyware from KazaA will also render it inoperable. KazaA needs the cd_clint.dll file in order to run. So, just removing all the spyware off of your rig might not be an option. Unless......hehe....You know some totally awesome, spectacularly radical, trippindicular waycool guru empowered by the spirit of Ra with the fix. :D

anonymous Mon, 02/10/2003 - 16:21

Oh, BTW, your e-mail addy is safe with me. If you don't mind I added you to my address book, for future reference. k?

OMG WTF Esc not working


Wow! What was that? Oh well, prolly just a glitch from where I had my firewall turned off. Computers, go figure. LOL. :roll:

anonymous Tue, 02/18/2003 - 16:08

All good ideas Gary, but it's KazaA's "clint_cd.dll" app. ext. that does all that dirty work. The only 2 ways to stop it is to, well, stop using KazaA or delete that evil .dll. The 1st might be an option, but the second is not(if you want to continue to use it). KazaA needs it to run. I stumbled on a dummy file to replace it. It runs the same only no spyware. :D

LOL I share the file on KazaA, but nobody has downloaded it from me. IIRC

Kemble Tue, 02/18/2003 - 20:09

Hey Smawgson, :D You wrote this a few lines up: "It's really putting a hurt on the music industry."

Please explain how this is true. I am not knowlegable enough to say it is or is not, but didn't some rapper (Fifty Cent) (nice use of the English language...) just sell 900 trillion CDs in one week or something like that?
And, as a secondary disclaimer- I am a capitalist at heart. One problem with this file sharing stuff is that the government schools have taught entitlement to kids. And with that, they have erased capitalism and entreprenurism. (this country's indoctrination system- the public schools- don't teach the children of America the ecominic system of America. Thats nuts. ...a whole 'nother story for another time). Anyway- They don't understand that the only entitlement is the entitlement for the PRODUCER to get paid for his/her WORK. I GUARANTEE the moment 'downloader bob' writes a song or software he is going to be looking for the money, and will absolutely FLIP when he sees that everyone has it because someone cracked it and put it on Kazaa and he is picking bellybutton lint to pay for CD's to burn his MP3s to.

So anyway...
Do you really think the music 'industry' is suffering? I've sold 3 CDs this week. So I'm not feeling it... :D


SonOfSmawg Wed, 02/19/2003 - 13:07

Small, local acts are generally unaffected by file-sharing.

First of all, their songs aren't popular enough to have been included in thousands of peoples' shared folders.

Secondly, people like to buy CDs from small local acts because they know that 100% of the money goes directly to the band, and not into the pockets of record companies and retailers. They know that it costs the band about a buck to burn the CD and that the rest of their cash goes directly to support their local heroes.

I'm very surprised that you'd even ask how file-sharing hurts the industry. It's a multi-faceted problem that affects the entire chain of events...

*A guy hears a song by a brand new band on the radio.

*He goes on Kazaa and finds that hundreds of people already have it available for him to download, as well as the rest of the songs on the CD. He's happy because he just saved himself $15.

*The band doesn't get the teenie percentage that they were entitled-to.

*The record company doesn't get their percentage, therefore that's less money that their newly-signed artist has generated for them. The fewer CDs the new act sells, the less they are valued by the record company.

*At the retail store, display space is allotted on the basis of the quantity of sales. Only the top-selling CDs are going to earn a space outside of the alphabetized rack. If a new band's songs are readily-available through file-sharing, then how are they supposed to grab the prime retail display space away from the "Big Names"? As a result, lack of prime retail display equates to even less CD sales. It becomes a vicious circle.

*And what about the prestige and hype over "the amount of records sold"? A new band gets discouraged because they've only sold say 200,000 CDs. What they don't take into account, and what ISN'T counted by anyone, is the fact that there are probably MILLIONS of people who have downloaded their music for free and listen to it on a daily basis. Without file-sharing, that band may have otherwise been a million CD seller.

*There are some minimal good points about file-sharing. Even though a band may not sell a lot of CDs, the file-sharing is actually free advertising which can cause greater ticket sales for live performances. This normally equates to more sales of band paraphernalia, generating profit which generally goes directly to the band. This can help the band to survive, but not to prosper nearly as much as they would if their songs weren't being freely distributed.

*It is also possible that some newer bands who get very little radio play may gain greater popularity through file-sharing, again boosting ticket sales, which in turn could possibly attract a better record deal.

*The few "positives" about file-sharing are definately out-weighed by the "negatives". There are more aspects of file sharing that could be discussed, but this covered the very basics.

*When Metallica raised such a stink over Napster, they made it clear that they were doing it for the lesser-known artists. Some criticized and claimed that they did it for their own selfish reasons, but I disagree. Metallica already had their fame, fortune, and prime retail display space. They already had "a name". Napster wasn't going to make or break them, but they fought because they knew that file-sharing was ruining the chance for up and coming artists to have the opportunity at success that they'd had.

Kemble Wed, 02/19/2003 - 15:26

Originally posted by SonOfSmawg:
Small, local acts are generally unaffected by file-sharing.

I'm very surprised that you'd even ask how file-sharing hurts the industry.

I'm full of suprises, Sonofsmawg.

I asked for two reasons- (will this downgrade some of the suprise?)

Oh, sidebar: I am aware than there are no 'Catalyst' (the best uppermiddleclasswhitecollar rappers in America...!) in anyone's shared folder. And I know that local stuff isn't effected. And if I chose to (as if someone is beating down my door to sign us...) go with the system in place with a big company, I'd be spitting nails to see/hear my music out there, and have no cash in my pocket for it. "music for the sake of music" is nice, but: Idealism and "I just want people to here me sing the song that is in my heart" is out the door with other b.s. leftisms that crept into my head during college. Creating music is an investment of time, money, sweat, and soul. And I want to be paid for it. So, YES, I agree with you. Never didn't.

I asked because:
1) I figured you were very knowlegable about the subject and could more specifically explain how the industry is effected. Which you did very thoroughly.

2) I figured not everyone knows the answer, like I didn't completely, and having you explain it would provide knowlege to readers of this forum.

Oh, and 3) I like to suprise people with apparently silly questions.

As a furthering of the questioning, is there data that supports that CD sales are down? And if so, is Enron's accounting firm involved in the calculation?

I bet you're SHOCKED I asked that one!

:p: Jeff

SonOfSmawg Wed, 02/19/2003 - 18:20

That list doesn't surprise me at all. I'll bet there is more illegal software use than legal software use. About a month ago, I read somewhere that 70% of all software used is being used illegally.

When hacked "foolproof" expensive software is there for the taking, most people just will not turn it down. It's like, if someone walked up to you on the street , handed you $700, and just walked away, would you turn your nose up at it? How many people would throw it on the ground and walk away? Well, expensive software is there for the taking. There aren't many programs out there that you CAN'T get for free, one way or the other.

So here's a morality quiz ... see what you would do...

You really want a piece of software, but it's five hundred dollars. You save up the cash on the side for a few months to get it. In the meantime, your "significant other" is working a lot and frequently complains "I really need a vacation".

The day that you finally have enough money saved for your software, a friend calls you on the phone just to chit-chat. You mention that you've been saving money for months for this software, and that you're going down to the store to buy it later in the day . Your friend says, "I have a copy of that. Come on over and I'll burn you a copy and give you the crack code for it".

NOW ... do you decline and inform your friend that you'd rather pay $500 for the legal version? OR, do you jump in the car, go get the software from your friend, then take your significant other on a real nice weekend getaway with the money saved? That surprise would make you a total hero, wouldn't it?

SO ... what would you do?

DISCLAIMER: I'm not encouraging software piracy. I'm simply discussing the morality of the phenomenon of file sharing. This is a valid topic of discussion and should not be ignored or treated as a taboo subject. If you do not wish to contribute to the discussion, that's fine, but please do not condemn those of us that simply wish to debate the phenomenon.

Kemble Wed, 02/19/2003 - 22:26

The moral cunundrum is giving me a nose-bleed.

I was going to answer with "obviously the best answer is 'postpone the software and be a good husband'". But I don't think it is that obvious due to all the moral relativism out there. And thats what (I'm guessing) that people will get their panties in a bunch over. Here's some options (I'll hold off with what I would do)
Selfish: Tell your wife to pick up overtime, buy the software, and use the OT $ to get plug-ins.

RightThingToDo: Take wifey away for the weekend and postpone the purchase.

Right and Temporarily Wrong- Take wifey away, get the software from friend, save more money, buy a legit copy.

What do you think of this last one?

I will say that I believe that the truth is not relative, and that it is black and white. But that last one has me thinking....


SonOfSmawg Thu, 02/20/2003 - 00:03

Take wifey away, get the software from friend, save more money, buy a legit copy.

Well, if that's the case ... let's give another analogy...

Let's say your an automobile mechanic, and a guy wants to have you do some performance modifications on his car. You call him up when it's done, he comes to your shop, jumps in his car, and as he's pulling away he yells out to you, "I was going to pay you, but I'm taking my wife on vacation instead. I'll pay you as soon as I save up the money".

Would that be okay with you?

I'm just making the point, not argueing, disagreeing, or judging you. It's all just debate and theory here, and definately fun.

My question wasn't really for anyone to answer here in the thread, but rather for whoever reads it to answer to themselves. I think what's important to know is that, according to popular statistics, most people would be zooming over to their friend's house, whether they had other plans for the money or not. No matter how much the software costs, people can always find another way to spend the money that they save on software.

I have another ingredient to add to the mix. What about Microsoft software? Aren't they rich enough? Why should they charge us for an operating system? Why do they integrate all of the components so tightly, making them almost impossible to remove without doing damage to the operating system? If you already own a Windows operating system, why do they charge you to switch to any other version of Windows? With all of the money that they spend developing security to keep Windows from being pirated, wouldn't it be smarter to just make it a freebie? Why charge OEMs to install Windows on their computers? If they let OEMs install it without charge, wouldn't it be free advertising for Microsoft (to sell the new computer owners their other products)?

These answers are seemingly obvious (control and greed), but there are much deeper answers. Why do you think Microsoft is so intent on "security" issues? The obvious reasons that they give are security for the users, and security for Microsoft, but these are only the readily-visible surface issues that they want you to see and believe, and only the tip of a VERY large iceburg. The "iceburg" will gradually be implemented, little by little, because if their "iceburg" were to be made viewable all at once ...
Should you buy Microsoft products? HELL NO. Those profits are funding some bad stuff. So should you just pirate their software? NO. You really DON'T want Microsoft on and in your computer.

Kemble Thu, 02/20/2003 - 13:37

Originally posted by SonOfSmawg:

What about Microsoft software? Aren't they rich enough?
Who is it that decided who is "rich enough"? There is no limit to how wealthy one should be. We're here to prosper, and should we want to, wear clothes made of 100 dollar bills. Of course, this assumes the money is made through proper moral and ethical channels, (which I agree doesn't apply to them in many cases) and no less than 10% goes to charities or your church.
Why should they charge us for an operating system? They own it.
If you already own a Windows operating system, why do they charge you to switch to any other version of Windows? Same reason I would trade in my 2000 Escalade with gold rims for the 2004 model with platinum rims. Because I CHOOSE to upgrade the outdated status quo.
The "iceburg" will gradually be implemented, little by little, because if their "iceburg" were to be made viewable all at once ...
Is Microsoft working with the Bilderbergers and the FreeMasons? I can see it now, "New World Order. Coming soon. Brought to you by your friends at Microsoft." ?

Bottom line of what I'm hearing (and agree with you on, despite my flippant writing) is that 2 wrongs don't make a right. (although they do make a Jennifer Lopez marriage scrapbook)
Just because they suck my money by slowly releasing technology in parts (Chip makers do this too, so lets get them too...) so that we are constantly upgrading does not justify my breaking with honest ethics.

Hey, this Emimen mp3 I'm listening to is skipping around. Whats with this!? :D


anonymous Thu, 02/20/2003 - 19:38

Hey, this Emimen mp3 I'm listening to is skipping around. Whats with this!?

I assume that was sarcasm, but seriously....
Check [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.theregis…"]this[/]="http://www.theregis…"]this[/] out. :D

strings is(or is it are, lol) right. This thread is kinda like the "favorite train wreck" that ya just cain't quit lookin' at. LOL.

By all means, carry on.

Kemble Thu, 02/20/2003 - 21:15

If some of you would put some effort into being a wise ass like I have, then maybe it wouldn't be 'boring'. Not that I think it is.

Maybe you'd like these topics to be discussed:

Risque: What type of sock does Anthony Kiedis 'use'?
Nerdy: How does humidity effect the parabolic vibration of the plucked open G string?
Insightful: why does playing my guitar make me feel closer to God?
Military: If they could find the resonant frequency of the colon, couldn't they make a sonic weapon that would make the enemy cramp up, fall over, and roll in his own crap?
Philisophical: If a RO Member's post falls over in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, would the moderator shut down the topic anyway?

Check this out, SOS:

You're right, this is going down hill.
Stay tuned. It promises to get worse.......

(and I think I'm due some attaboys on the J-Lo comment. That was a good one)

SonOfSmawg Fri, 02/21/2003 - 01:26

Is Microsoft working with the Bilderbergers and the FreeMasons? I can see it now, "New World Order. Coming soon. Brought to you by your friends at Microsoft." ?

If you were the one trying to tighten your grip on the "civilized" world, what would you choose? Linux??? LOL
Actually, I was referring to things less sinister, but not much less. Microsoft has several things up their sleeve to take away our internet freedoms and to monitor and control our activities. They're not just software developers, they're definately assuming the driver's seat when it comes to trying to control the internet. I don't think that's new news to anyone. But why are they doing it? And for whom? Hmmm...

*SOS pictures John asleep out on the porch in an old rocking chair with his feet propped up on the pickle barrel, hugging an old banjo*
You find this discussion boring? Perhaps you'd find a game of checkers more intellectually stimulating! J/K John ... nice sites, good music.


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