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HI i'm new. how's everyone doing?
I'm doing a creative music and sound tech degree and i'm doing a dissertation. Just asking around as to which Music software do you think is the best?kind of a questtionaire. PLEASE HELP.
Mnay thanks



anonymous Wed, 03/09/2005 - 06:35

bigbird wrote: HI i'm new. how's everyone doing?
I'm doing a creative music and sound tech degree and i'm doing a dissertation. Just asking around as to which Music software do you think is the best?kind of a questtionaire. :wink: PLEASE HELP.
Mnay thanks

also sorry, what was the last piece of Music equipment that you bought? can be anything?

zemlin Wed, 03/09/2005 - 06:48

I think that's a bit like asking what vehicle is the best. It depends on your task and your priorities.

I use Sony VEGAS for recording/tracking. I use Adobe Audition for Mixing and Editing. I don't know that I'd consider either program "the best" - but they work well, they have their strengths, and I can afford them.

My most recent purchase is a pair of AKG C391B mics (used).

anonymous Thu, 03/10/2005 - 15:07

I own Cubase SX2, Ableton Live 3, Reason 2.5 and ProTools 6.7 and I have to say that all of them are great although I actually only use ProTools Rewired with Reason or Live. I don't like Logic but I know many people who use it and they say is great.
As the others said before is all a matter of taste...
...ProTools for me, #1

anonymous Tue, 04/05/2005 - 03:33

matter of taste, to a certain extend!
for me logic and peak, pro tools, ableton live and reason are nice too, depending really of what you want and how do you create and want to record music, midi or not plays a role as well,
i do hate, i mean hate all of that cubase / steinberg stuff, shit GUI and even worse damn bad sound engines, to me that stuff just sounds awfull, even some people disagree and say "all software sounds the same" bollocks!! there not!

TeddyG Tue, 04/05/2005 - 09:52

Protools is the best, because it's most-used by the biggest users, which by default allows the most options from 3rd. parties, along with the greatest ease of interface with others. Has almost nothing to do with ProTools quality perse, though it's quality is fine.

For me, Steinberg Wavelab 5, is working out. I do NO interface with anyone else, other than the completed wave/.mp3. I use MONO almost exclusively(I do voiceover), so multi-track is not a need(Though it is a supreme stereo program(Maybe THE supreme?), and up to surround.). Everything I need to do what I do is included and 3rd. party options are available(VST/DX plug-ins, etc.). Quality is high, learning curve steep, tech support unparalelled. Many RECORD on another program and MASTER(Tweak and "finish" the production) with WL5...

Adobe Audition would be a strong contender, for me, for multi-track work. Frankly, I don't like Adobe, their tech support(For OTHER software, in the past) has been lacking, for me - but Audition was made by another company and purchased by Adobe - who seem to have maintained/upgraded it well(?) - Adobe does "know" software! Very simple to use(Relatively speaking.), very flexible, very powerful, very nice.

Recent gear: Beyer Dynamic DT-770 headphones. Also, very nice...

Teddy G.

anonymous Sun, 04/24/2005 - 18:20

best software for what? sound design, tracking, editing, mixing, notation, electronic midi based music, acoustic/electric music, loop-based music, which?
i use different things specifically for different functions...Pro Tools TDM for tracking and mixing bands/solo acts and more "mainstream" stuff. Ableton Live 4 or Cycling 74 Max based apps for for modern sound design (sometimes Pro Tools and Reason). Reason or Live as a rack of sound modules. Finale for notation. Logic works for many of these in one (as well as Cubase, Digital Performer, Sonar, etc.) but is kinda bumpy to work with...i often create sounds in one and import into another or slave one app to another via rewire or midi beat clock.

last purchase- some Yamaha PM1000 mic pre's i've been nagging about ; )

best of luck!



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