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Focusrite Red Series... fat! or not?

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Submitted by tubedude on

I crossed posted by accident, THIS is where I wanted this...

You know, I worked with this pre for a few days and thought it was wonderful. I rememeber, perhaps wrongly, it getting bashed as not being worth a crap. I was wondering what people here think of it and why. It doesnt get much attention in the top end pre market it seems. Actually, the only Focusrite mnetions I see are the cheap stuff and the ISA stuff. I wanna know about the Red series mainly.


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To me

Platinum = semi pro

Blue = total pro

Red = pro stuff that is basic and suitable for purists or self recording artists that want to get the stuff dowm well but not have 'dangerous options' to mess the sound up with (like eq on the platinum or Blue which is v powerfull and can be mis-used)

My concept of the red is that it is very good stuff.

I think because you can't get in there and have an extreme tweak on a lot of it, some pro's find it functional but unexciting as gear goes to use...


Sun, 10/28/2001 - 03:30 Permalink
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Originally posted by tubedude:

You know, I worked with this pre for a few days and thought it was wonderful. I rememeber, perhaps wrongly, it getting bashed as not being worth a crap. I was wondering what people here think of it and why. It doesnt get much attention in the top end pre market it seems. Actually, the only Focusrite mnetions I see are the cheap stuff and the ISA stuff. I wanna know about the Red series mainly.[/QB]


I own a red 6 mic pre/eq, red 3's compressors, and mucho isa110's. I also recorded and/or mixed two Anthrax(sorry for the name I had it first)albums on the focusrite console at Electic Ladyland.

So here goes, and Julian got it right!!

Red 6 (currently not available, equivalent is red 7)= mic pre different in over all tone to an isa110. same feel but less attitude. If you mess up anything it's not the mic pre's fault. Nuetral sound, high class no brainer. EQ in red 6 beautiful.

Red 3 compressor= Cream is right, and in all the right places. Similiar to 2264/33609 neve with a touch of the ssl G384 thrown in, but different in all the right places once again. I love these!!!!! Same leauge as previously noted. Probably getting at least 2 more as soon as my new room is done here in nyc.

isa110= devastating for metal!!!!! The eq is not to be messed with unless you absolutely are versed in tight parametric, scissor cutting, George Martin wanting tools to play with. Just use the shelf's on the way in and your good. Stay away from the rest please!!

Hope this helps,

Dan Spitz


three time Grammy nominated, former lead guitarist and co-producer of all Anthrax albums.

Mon, 10/29/2001 - 18:23 Permalink
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My Red 1 sounds great with dynamics, ribbons,

DIs and some condensors. It doesn't seem to like super low impedance condensors like the M149, bad combo. Similar in character to our API 512cs and I tend to use them on similar sources (gtr, drums). Can sound great on bass with a DI, my go to when the Voxbox is otherwise engaged. :roll:

Tue, 10/30/2001 - 03:35 Permalink