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OS 10.2 is now available. It has a lot of new features, and appears to have been worth the wait.… OSX.2 Jaguar[/]="… OSX.2 Jaguar[/]
On the other hand, Apple has once again let their greed show. I've been using iTools for a long time, and use as my main email. Now they've changed "iTools" to ".mac", and now are charging cash for it. The price is $99 a year, or 50% off of that if you are an existing iTools user. Those morons think I'm going to pay $50 a year when everyone else under the sun offers email accounts for free?
Ahhh, but you say that ".mac" is much more than just an email account. Well, yes, there are other features, but have you tried them? IMO, they're cheezy and useless.
Apple has "generously" given us iTools users 90 days to pay up or clear out. Well ... FUCK THEM. I'm going to transfer the emails that I want to keep and close it down. I'm not paying $50 for the "prestige" of having a "" email addy.
F**kin greedy bastards!


anonymous Thu, 08/15/2002 - 11:20

Originally posted by knightfly:
Be my guest - I hated macs BEFORE the crap they pulled with emagic/logic/samplitude - now, I REALLY FRIGGEN HAT 'EM - SOS, right on the money. Now, if we can just get them on the same plane with Well Fargo... :=) Steve

That's hate Apple so much you're lurking the Mac section of these boards...hmmmmmmm

Remember people you all wouldn't mind selling your music ..but you're not going to take heavy losses to do so. Should Apple sacrafice themselves for the sake of you having free email? They never guaranteed that iTools would be free forever and many Mac users aren't giving them a chance to earn your business. At any rate the choice is yours.

SonOfSmawg Fri, 08/16/2002 - 19:56

The point is that anyone can get all of the free email accounts that they want. So what does Apple think makes them so high and mighty that people should pay them to have a friggin email? Gimme a break here! There are plenty of "made for Mac" companies that Apple could get to advertise to foot the bill. But nooooo, Apple goes straight for the Mac owners' pocket! What else is new ...