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recording to analog tape

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Submitted by frosty55 on

Which order do you advise when recording to analog tape, the following...

The kick drum channel on the mixer would have a noise gate,compression and parametric linked in to the insert.

I was going to do...out of the insert into the Eq into the compressor into the noise gate and back into the desk.

What the best route?



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The drums are to be recorded onto two adjacent tracks for a stereo spread, panned accordingly in the mix. Whatever I do to the drums before they hit the tape, will be permanent, so I want to gate, eq and compress via the channel insert. Its not that serious, only for a demo to get gigs for the band. But would like to have a fairly good drum sound going down.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 11:56 Permalink
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No, I would record the kit, play it back and if the kick didn't sound right, start to tweak. I will be taping the whole band live onto tape, then again play it back. If the kits not good enough, record again. I just want to know the correct order of outboard I mentioned in the first post. Like I said, its not critical, just a band demo to get gigs.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 14:41 Permalink
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I'd do what boulder suggested in the beginning then,

gate -> eq -> compressor as the tape will accept the comp at the end better.

If you have ample headroom, and are sometimes wanting the sweetness of an eq to shine through, like on a final mix, followed by a limiter there are some benefit to EQ at the end but if you are wanting the best finish line, comp or limiter at the end would be what I would do. The limiter is the final step before finish product. It really comes down to what sounds best for that mix.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 14:51 Permalink
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frosty55, post: 409506 wrote: I just want to know the correct order of outboard I mentioned in the first post.

Nothing is "correct" independent of the source and goal. The optimal order ultimately depends on many variables, none of which I have values for. All I can offer is my default starting point ([gate ->] eq -> compressor). Honestly, I don't even gate kick drums unless there's a resonance problem and retuning isn't an option.

Mon, 01/06/2014 - 14:55 Permalink