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Hi there... I just bought a Edax Preamp and wanted to give you a review since I haven't seen anything about these anywere.

Ok Cost:$600 And the sound I compared to a Focusrite RED (the 4 channel Version), and I was pretty impressed with the sound, very close to the Focusrite and the Manley. It has very Retro look... Excellent sound.

Do any of you have use them before? All I know they are custom made by a guy from Argentina.

If you want to check these out:

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anonymous Mon, 03/03/2003 - 17:58

Yes!!!! He is Mexico City very near from where I am.... Mellibovsky I think he´s name is....

Well.. I finished the recording the first saong using the PE-22 Preamp, and I may say is the best guitar sound I ever gotten here at my Studio.... Pretty hapy with it...
I recomend it extensively... Very crystal clear sound yet punchy.... LOVE IT!!!

