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okay, this is the main problem I've had with all of my recording issues. Hopefully you guys can help me. I'm running a pc with xp, 2gb ram, amd x2 5200+ dual core processor... My DAW is Sonar PE 7 and the only thing semi-cheap on my computer set-up is a $150 mobile-pre usb interface. THe problem is, after I start building up a lot of songs with 5+ tracks (depending on length of the songs and what plugins I have) the audio cuts out and a little red message entitled "dropout" appears at the bottom. I have no idea how to get rid of this. For example, I"ve tried disabling all plugins (Helps a little) and a whole bunch of other stuff that makes the tracks less complex. Basically, I just want to know what piece of hardware will help with this the most... I think it is my interface, but I'm not completely sure... WHat do you guys recommend I upgrade? OS, Ram, Interface?

As always, I greatly appreciate your help :)

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anonymous Wed, 01/16/2008 - 08:37

hrmm, let me check... I'll just post all the audio options in case you guys can see something else i might have messed up...

sample rate: 44100
buffer size: (all the way fast 5.8ms)
Read Caching (enabled)
Write Caching (disabled)
I/O buffer size: 128
Driver Mode: ASIO
Dithering: Triangular
Share drivers with other programs (disabled)
Use Multiprocessing Engine (enabled)
Play Effect Tails After Stopping (disabled)
Always open All Deviced (enabled)
Remove DC Offset During Record (enabled)

Synchronization: FUll Chase Lock
ASIO Reported Latency: 534

let me know, it's extremely frustrating!!

anonymous Wed, 01/16/2008 - 09:48

What hueseph said, though my guess is your RAM is sufficient unless you are really piling on the tracks and/or VSTs.

Your fast buffer is good for low latency - but that is really only an issue when recording.

Also, a quick google led me to this:
They recommend disabling read caching, which you said is enabled.


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