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Submitted by anonymous on

In wireless microphones, a loss of RF signal, which in turn results in loss of audio or audio that is noticeably noisy. Also refers to a small physical area where there is insufficient RF signal present to obtain satisfactory wireless operation. Dropouts are normally caused by multi-path or signal blockage due to some type of obstruction.

dropout issues...

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Submitted by anonymous on

okay, this is the main problem I've had with all of my recording issues. Hopefully you guys can help me. I'm running a pc with xp, 2gb ram, amd x2 5200+ dual core processor... My DAW is Sonar PE 7 and the only thing semi-cheap on my computer set-up is a $150 mobile-pre usb interface.

New DAW suffering sound dropouts from some channels

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Submitted by anonymous on

I just built a new DAW. When I load my old projects into Cubase SX3 (3.11) and/or Logic 5.5 or create new projects I find myself suffering random audio dropouts on some channels of the sequencer but not others. The problem seems to occur on VST instrument channels as appose to audio tracks. The dropouts occur roughly once a minute during playback of a project.

Playback Dropouts

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Submitted by anonymous on

Hi, Im just getting used to my new toys for Christmas! I've been playing back some music (not my own recorded material) on my computer. The audio goes through a firewire bus PC card, to a Firewire Mixer/Interface. I have monitors hooked up to the control room out of the firewire device, and usually get perfect playback, although I get too many random complete sound dropouts.

pops/clicks/audio drop outs... need help please

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Submitted by anonymous on

I am experiencing audio dropouts, clicks and pops with my Firepod/Cubase setup. When I create a new project and begin to record, the scroll bar on the ruler tends to pause and then skips forward. The pops/clicks and audio dropouts follow. Here are the facts about my DAW:

-Toshiba laptop P4, 768 rams (available physical memory around 477mb), 2.8 GHz, 60GB hard drive.