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Anybody have any ideas?
I'm currently underemployed, and might pick some up for some cheap hanging room mics


Boswell Tue, 06/09/2009 - 02:52

iamfrobs wrote: Link, I know you have extensive electrical experience, in your opinion, would it be difficult to do?

I understand schematics pretty well, have soldered cables, and have a Radioshack in my town, I'm mostly just lacking the practical experience.

Bit fiddly, but not difficult. I've done lots of them.

Here's some different info on building mics based on Panasonic capsules:

Link555 Tue, 06/09/2009 - 06:21

As boswell said, "bit fiddly" but not hard.
Here is an excellent start:
mic" rel="nofollow">

He is making a flat mic for measurement but the ideas are all there. The thing to watch for is the internal FET often has too much gain, but you can modifiy this as shown in the links above. This modification is a bit tricky but can be done.

EDIT: Just noticed Boswell's ESP link also leads you to the Linkwitz site....