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Recording a snare in stereo

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Submitted by fourone3 on

I just watched Metallica at the Live Earth show, and when a shot of Lars' kit was shown, I noticed two mics on the snare. One was at about 12 o'clock and the other at about 10 o'clock. I can't quite make out which microphones they are, but they might be Audix ... anyone? (http://entimg.msn.c…"] Metallica[/]="http://entimg.msn.c…"] Metallica[/] ) - Sad But True seemed to have the best shot ... ?

Is this a 'normal' technique and if so, what are the advantages? I'm also wondering if it's a live technique, or if it could be applied to the studio as well. Even if it's not, it seems as though it might be a neat way to get a layered snare if you use two different mics (and careful of phase), right?

Thanks :D


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I doubt they were both used in the mix because of phasing effects. For a high-profile gig like that, I would put a second mic on a snare as a backup in case the drummer went too wild. Why does G W Bush get two mics when he speechifies? Is one of them a backup, or does one pick up what he says and the other what he meant to say?

Mon, 07/16/2007 - 14:58 Permalink
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If only on the GW Bush podium mics we would get some phase cancellation - it sure would help our standing in the world...

However, there's a far more simple explanation to that one.

Two mics, slightly spaced - for when he's speaking out of both sides of his mouth. However, if you see one mic at the top of the podium and one at the mid level, the second mic is to pick up when he's talking out of his A$$.

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 10:37 Permalink
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You're right on the $$ there, Cucco. I was reading about the brand new Press Room they just opened last week at the White House. You can clearly see a tight pair of 57's on the podium, with their trademark A2WS pop- condoms on them. What you CAN'T see is the RE-20 BEHIND the podium. It's on a short floor stand, strategically aiming up towards the presenters derierre....Now GW can talk out of both sides of his mouth PLUS his...!

As a Republican, I highly resemble that!

Tue, 07/17/2007 - 14:15 Permalink
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moonbaby wrote: You're right on the $$ there, Cucco. I was reading about the brand new Press Room they just opened last week at the White House. You can clearly see a tight pair of 57's on the podium, with their trademark A2WS pop- condoms on them. What you CAN'T see is the RE-20 BEHIND the podium. It's on a short floor stand, strategically aiming up towards the presenters derierre....Now GW can talk out of both sides of his mouth PLUS his...!

You learn something every day about special-purpose microphones - I never knew that "RE" stood for Rear End. Has anyone ever tried the RE-20 on vocals, kick drums etc? It might even work quite well.

Wed, 07/18/2007 - 07:44 Permalink