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A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection.

The judge asks "First offender?. "

She replies "No your honour, first a Gibson, then a Fender. "


dvdhawk Sat, 10/22/2016 - 17:45

Thanks Sean, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Anybody on Facebook who likes that kind of stuff should do a search for the:

Institute of

Obviously as the name indicates, not as much about studio work as it is touring techs and road crew, but still some funny stuff like that we can all relate to.
We all have stuff like this to contend with,

KurtFoster Tue, 11/01/2016 - 16:16

a moose lodge needed a band for new years eve at the last minute and the only one they could find was a duo that played a tuba and accordion. they were surprised when the evening actually went well and at the end of the gig the club manager asked them if they would like to return next new years eve. the accordion player responded, "That would be wonderful! Can we leave our gear here?

KurtFoster Wed, 11/02/2016 - 17:04

guy puts an accordion in the back seat of his car. he drives downtown and finds a parking space. once he has finished his errands he returns to his car only to see the back window of his car had been broken out. with a deep seated feeling in the pit of his stomach, he approaches his car only to see his worst fears have come to pass. in the back seat, there were now two accordions.

Brother Junk Sun, 12/11/2016 - 15:25

DonnyThompson, post: 436562, member: 46114 wrote: I wish I could find the last coffee shop in the world that still allowed smoking... I'd set up my rig and never leave... LOL...

I know, I know... it's bad for me, blah blah blah... and I'm sure it'll get the better of me one of these days, but hey, at least I'm not smokin' Luckies anymore... so there's been some progress. ;)

Don't be a pessimist could get hit by a bus at any time. Couldn't resist the pic, I think I see a couple members hats in the store...and it must be a Canadian bus because it's being so polite about all this (Canadian Slam!)

Brother Junk Sun, 12/11/2016 - 16:16

Sean G, post: 442509, member: 49362 wrote: Where do you reckon he injects his steroids ???

It's not steroids, it's a substance called Synthol. It's an oil that doesn't absorb well into the muscle tissue. It's a sort of DIY cosmetic surgery. So, it temporarily inflates the muscle (without the workout, diet, lifting etc) but it gets all lumpy after a bit. It's not dissimilar to injecting your biceps with olive oil. As you can see, it doesn't work well for the long haul. And that guy gives Gregg Valentino (the Synthol king) a run for his money.

Think of those people as the male equivalent of Bulimia or Anorexia. (There are actual male examples of it, but its rare) Extremely distorted body image, which leads them to...compensate in the way they think will mitigate that poor self image. Sadly, the end result is an actually distorted body.

Back on track. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[JOKE]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Sean G. dies and goes to heaven. He meets God at the pearly gates and is let in.

While walking around, getting his bearings, he notices audiokid up there too, but there is an unfamiliar, and frankly grotesque looking woman on his arm. Just painfully ugly.

So Sean G. pulls someone aside and says, "Hey, I know that guy right there, he's a friend of mine...but who is the girl he is with?"

The person replies, "Well, Audiokid led a good life. Good enough to get into heaven....but he made a few big mistakes. So he made it to heaven, but he has to walk around with her for all eternity, to balance out the bad things he did."

Before Sean can even process any of that, he sees DonnyThompson up there too. And he also has a horrifically ugly woman on his arm. More hideous than the previous one he saw. So he pulls someone aside and says, "Hey! I know that guy....but who is that girl he is with?"

The person replies, "Well, Donny led a good life. Good enough to get into heaven....but he made a few big mistakes. So he made it to heaven, but he has to walk around with her for all eternity, to balance out the bad things he did."

As Sean begins to ponder, he sees kmetal up there....however, K is walking around with not one...but two....of the most gorgeous woman you could ever imagine. He has one on each arm....just struttin' and smiling.

Confused, Sean pulls someone aside again and says, "Hey, I know that guy Kmetal over there....but who are those girls he is with?"

The person replied, "Well, those two girls led a good life, good enough to get into heaven, but they made a few big mistakes...."

: )

K, where ya been bud? I made you ugly in the joke, but you got the two hot who cares how ugly you are ;0)


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