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I'm picking up a portable CDR or DAT soon for location and sample recording, and I want to aquire a stereo mic for recording ease. The only stereo mic I've used was one of the Audio-Technica s, and it was pretty decent, but if anyone has any opinions concerning the new rode, the Shure, or any others, i'd love to hear them (the Royer is out of my price league right now-). Thanks-

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lorenzo gerace Sat, 12/07/2002 - 01:37

I have the NT stereo pair too, and I like them too, but maybe for the field recording application something like the Rode NT4 stereo mic could be more suitable: it has the two capsule in an XY pattern, and I've red some really good reviews on it (on Mix magazine); I think the sound can be similar to that of a stereo pair of NT 5, and that would really be a good sign, combine this with the ease of use of a single mic and you have a winner, and for the price I think it's a double winner ( found it for €389), check it out.

Hope this helps

Doublehelix Sat, 12/07/2002 - 05:06

Gerax: You have got it right!

That's what I was suggesting as well...sorry if it wasn't clear enought...go with the NT4 for sure. I was just comparing the capsules to the NT5's, assuming that p.ark was referring the NT4 already when he mentioned the stereo Rode mic.

The NT5 matched pair are great in the studio since you get so much flexibility, and can still use them as a coincident X/Y pair, but for field and remote work...go for the NT4 over the NT5's.

droog Fri, 12/13/2002 - 11:49

i used the nt4 last monday to record my kids' school xmas fundraiser cd (still can't get the goddamn carols out of my head), together with 2 nt5's in ortf for backup, and ended up just using the signal from nt4 (+ a hint of vintage warmer on the mix)

the cd has already raised $500 for the school

there you have it, i'm definitely getting one, if only for the convenience of a single mike stand

audiowkstation Fri, 12/13/2002 - 18:20

I second the motion on the NT4...but,

I know I know.

I use B&K 3529 System for location.

As per a single microphone, be careful to mopnitor the distance before you go "red".

Move it around and find the place you want to be...then back up 6 feet!

hope this helps.

I have had good performances with singles..but I preferr to splay mics for the proper phase balance.

Ever thought about using 2 of them doing 4 tk???

(sorry..defeats the idea of one mic stand..LOL)

droog Sat, 12/14/2002 - 13:14

bill wrote: "As per a single microphone, be careful to mopnitor the distance before you go "red"."

know what you mean, on the school date, as the kids got older (from kindy to year 6's), they got taller and their voices got stronger, and, suddenly, i found myself "in the red" (lucky i was still keeping an ear on the proceedings)