3 April 2010
I was wondering if I have 2 mics connected to my audio interface which is connected to my computer, can I also connect a mic directly into the computer's microphone jack and record all 3 mics onto the DAW (Cubase/Audacity) simultaneously? I ask this question because I haven't gotten my mics yet or else I would have tried it out.
trumpetprod, post: 345213 wrote: Actually, I was not going to do
trumpetprod, post: 345213 wrote: Actually, I was not going to do it because I can, I was going to do it because I have no choice. Must I say more?
No offense meant, I am sure. Unfortunately the only way around situations like this is more channels of digital conversion, preferably identical so as to minimize/eliminate tonal differences between tracks.
My guess is probably not. You have to set your computer's audio
My guess is probably not. You have to set your computer's audio preferences to see the Interface as the designated input. When you do this, all other inputs are disabled. Don't know why you would want to anyway, the first two recordings would sound good and the other would sound like shit. It would be counterproductive at best.