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mic recomendation for ms technique

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Submitted by sammyg on Sun, 01/16/2005 - 00:57

Hi all,

anyone got any advice on what mic's to go for when wanting to achieve a good ms stereo sound. Im aware that you need a figure 8 and cardiod, maybe someone has used 2 particular mic's that just work damn well together!




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the experts on the area are in the Acoustics forum a bit down. I think there has been a bit of discussion on that there.

Generally, for acoustic music you would go with as similar pair of small diameter condensors as possible. The MKH series from Sennheiser is one example, Schoeps also has some that are mentioned a lot.

But there is no rule without exceptions, just about any figure 8 mic together with just about any cardoid may be the right thing in a given situation. On a recording lately I used what I could get my hands on, a Neumann KM184 (SDC) as the cardoid and an AKG 414 (LDC) as the 8. This is not a perfect match, and it did create a few artifacts, but large parts of the recording sounds good.

Gunnar Hellquist

Sun, 01/16/2005 - 01:35 Permalink
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Thank you for mentioning that David- M-S is strictly a sum and difference matrix array of microphones. It is usually done with a cardiod in the center, but I have done it with just about every conceivable pattern in the center depending on the situation.

Sometimes an omni works well, other times a figure 8 or a hypercardiod.

There are already a few discussions at the Acoustic music forum that deal with this as has been said...

For my M-S micing, I like using stereo microphones. It most often an AKG 426 stereo mic, but I also use SM-69 tube mics, AKG C-34's, Schoeps CMT301's and other similar mics. The great thing about all of these mics is that you can change the patterns on them. I'll sit in the booth with my pattern box (assuming the cable reaches) and switch patterns to "dial in" the sound I'm looking for.


Wed, 01/19/2005 - 20:49 Permalink